Tomorrow’s operating room, breaking the blood-free barrier

Without eliminating blood transfusions and their vital role in healthcare, especially in emergency settings, scientific evidence shows that in many cases blood transfusions can be avoided because they can negatively impact the outcome of surgical interventions Influence. In recent years, there has been a paradigm shift in favor of techniques to preserve blood itself to minimize its use.

Currently, there is substantial scientific evidence that unnecessary blood transfusions are harmful to patients.It is estimated that half of these jobs are dispensable and not without risks, as they can cause complications and, according to experts, they should … + read more

Most common blood types by region of the world

Most blood types in America, Africa, Oceania and Asia are 0+. In Europe, the most common blood type is A+, while in Pakistan and Bangladesh, the most common blood type is B+. In Spain, the A+ and 0+ types are practically the same. + read more

Blood test that can detect prostate cancer with 94% accuracy

The Prostate Screening EpiSwitch (PSE) blood test is 94% accurate, surpassing the currently used Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) blood test. + read more

Most effective blood test for Alzheimer’s disease

Researchers have identified the blood tests most effective in detecting Alzheimer’s disease, as well as blood tests that can be used to analyze treatment outcomes. + read more

Coronavirus vaccine could protect blood cancer patients

A coronavirus vaccine could protect blood cancer patients with normally weakened immune systems. + read more

Coping with gestational diabetes through early blood sugar control

“Glycemic control is the cornerstone of gestational diabetes management, so it is important to fully understand the trajectory of control between diagnosis and delivery.” + read more

Lower Blood Sugar Levels with Xanthan Gum-Based Liquid Thickener

Xanthan gum is used in a variety of foods, including to thicken liquids to prevent aspiration (choking) in patients with swallowing difficulties. + read more

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