Towards a second report on family well-being and transformation in Vallarta

Thousands of families, people and students in the city
Benefit from different support programs

In the second year of the mayoralty of Professor Luis Alberto Michel Rodríguez, social support programs received a major boost, through actions taken by the Development Authority for the well-being of thousands of Vallarta families and contributed to transformation.

In order to always use its resources to support those most in need, Professor Michel’s government has provided hundreds of households with 890 water tanks, 665 bathroom kits and 1,081 buckets of paint through the “Por un Hogar de 10” programme. to improve their homes.

In addition, through the Transforming Families program, more than 4,000 food pantries have been provided to help improve the economics and nutrition of these families, and more than 250 people have been trained in a variety of skills through Trade Schools.

Similarly, approximately 26,000 school supply boxes and more than 7,000 pairs of shoes were given to basic education students in the city’s public schools through the “Students for Ten” program, and the city also implemented “School Accident Insurance.” Provide medical and inpatient care to more than 48,000 students and support 2,001 teachers if an incident occurs while traveling from home to school, to campus and back home.

Likewise, more than 700 students, particularly those from the city’s rural communities, have received transport support through the Government’s Transport for Schools program led by Professor Michel.

On the other hand, through the Municipal Disability Committee
(COMUDIS), nearly 40 people have benefited from orthopedic devices and approximately 13,800 people have been provided with support and referrals for medical consultations, rehabilitation and speech therapy, educational scholarships and store discounts.

To support young people, the Municipal Institute of Youth Care (IMAJ) provided guidance to approximately 4,800 young people through forums, workshops and preventive culture training; 2,200 students were trained at educational and vocational job fairs; distributed to local businesses More than 1,300 youth cards were issued, providing various discounts, and 246 booths were set up in the youth market to display and sell young entrepreneur products.

Through the Municipal Council for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (COMUSIDA), responsible sex education guidance was provided through lectures and care modules and the distribution of 27,000 information leaflets; more than 52,000 condoms were distributed and more than 4,200 HIV, Syphilis and Hepatitis C testing.

In the field of animal welfare, 5,240 domestic animals were sterilized and sterilized, 320 vaccines against zoonotic diseases were distributed free of charge, and abandoned pets were rescued, bonded and adopted, totaling 119 pets. use.

Through the Citizen Participation Zone, the government is involved in permanent garbage removal activities in 81 communities, and through 21 days of public space rescue, it maintains parks, squares and green spaces, advises and monitors various requests from citizens. area.

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