Towards gender medicine?


Ultimately, it all comes down to our hormones, either too much or too little.

Towards gender medicine?
Monica Hernandez

Monica Hernandez

Let me first clarify, I am not a doctor. Nothing further. But every time I hear more people around me (yes, picky women) complaining about the diseases women suffer from, that is 51% of the population.This condition is called indifferent, There is a lack of concern or, more worryingly, a lack of medical knowledge. I explain.

As women reach a certain age, they may find themselves experiencing seemingly unrelated symptoms: insomnia, stomach upset, heart palpitations, depression. Sudden onset of irritability and uncontrollable urge to cry. When they arrived, they left. Weight gain. hair loss. We often take painkillers and practice meditation to relieve anxiety. Ultimately, it all comes down to our hormones, right?

Others, by contrast, suffer from a form of gastritis, a stomach discomfort that is neither serious nor fatal, but rather persistent. Sometimes neck discomfort, muscle stiffness, like not sleeping well and in one arm. fatigue. Doctors label the symptoms as stress, a lot of work at home and in the office, kids, husband, gym. We need to learn to relax and not do laundry or prepare food to prevent ourselves from being filled with so much work. It’s just that women seem to want to do everything. It’s all our fault in the end. We want to do it all, right? Now let’s learn to manage stress.

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