Traditional medicine present in Tianguis de Pueblos Mágicos – El Sol de Hidalgo

Within the framework of the National Tianguis de Pueblos Mágicos there is a pavilion where 28 traditional doctors can help participants treat any natural ailments.

Traditional medicine is a combination of knowledge about health and disease that indigenous peoples have held throughout history.

Fantastic towns from Yucatan, Oaxaca, Tlaxcala, Queretaro, Puebla, Hidalgo, Veracruz, Mexico and Guanajuato for this The Tianji people contributed their ancestral knowledge of traditional medicine.

The Yucatán Peninsula is home to the magical town of Mani, where Elizabeth Interian Bojórquez is from and dedicated to the production of honey bees, which help treat certain diseases.

In addition, her grandmother also taught her how to prepare some infusions using field herbs and honey from bees to treat bronchitis, asthma, and even infertile women, and even taught her how to massage.

She has meliponaries, which are wooden boxes containing melipona bees, characterized by their smaller size and yellow tail, which provide sensory therapy for those who want it to detect any ailment, such as diabetes, blood pressure in women and spine and men Discomfort in the buttocks.

He commented that traditional medicine is a gift from our ancestors because they were born with this knowledge.

She said it is important to her that these teachings are not lost, which is why they are passed on to new generations.

Tlaxcala is the Pueblo Mágico of Tlaxco, where you can find a variety of products made from medicinal plants, as well as hip adjustments.

Martha Graciela Sánchez Rivera said there are medications for respiratory, cancer and digestive problems, soaps, deodorants and hair care shampoos. In addition, he performs hip and spinal alignment treatments.

Also at the Mineral de Pozos in Guanajuato is a traditional medicine stand, where María del Carmen Hernández demonstrates herbal medicine, which her grandparents and parents taught her, And she’s also a viper.

The plants he brings to the magical town can cure diabetes, nausea, stomachaches, vomiting and fever.

She is also a traditional cook who mainly makes rat soup to treat anemia patients, which is why she thinks rat soup is very nutritious.

There are traditional doctors at this stall and people who come to this space can be purified.

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