Travis Scott’s utopia ignites the Circus Maximus: apotheosis on stage with Kanye West

Rome – If Hip Hop Wanted to Celebrate 50 Years, Live Streamed All Over the World Last Night. Travis Scott exalted the revolutionary scope of this genre from Circus Maximus. And this was done through hosting, in the first place, Kanye West. It’s like talking about two Premier League finals at the same time. Scott, a Texan, has already performed in Italy at the La Maura Racecourse in Milan in front of 80,000 people. Surprisingly, in the pursuit of tickets, which were very few, he chose Rome, the eternal city, but in this case, the homeland of the gladiators, for the presentation of the new album.Utopia“.

Public reaction other than 50 thousand people, armored streets, super controlled access, she was delighted. And we have to add an announcement a few hours before the start of the live broadcast on his site. The cost is fifteen euros, which would cause some fans to protest. But Scott’s effect, as always, was to overwhelm the event that he himself created.

I must say, and last night everything went in the expected direction that the concert Texas rapper it’s an unknown factor in terms of the atmosphere it creates, but also a brilliant response to this language mantra-philosophy called hip hop and then divided into rap, trap and other acronyms, in the passing times. Scott is athletic, he does not miss a single provocation, even if he does not need the usual invectives that have become the script for almost fifty years of literature and music.

Circus Maximus is so fiery, thanks also to Scott’s precise choreographic choices, have already been seen. But it was precisely the quiet, rare and appropriate moments that made one think about very clear, almost insurmountable distances between foreigners, especially Americans and Italians. It’s not even a matter of social and musical breadth. Scott, but also Kanye West or Eminem, Dr. Dre or Snoop Dogg and Drake, to draw a line, a route, to have a craft, the ability to control the meaning of words, a mixture of literary sense and music, which, frankly, we have. The rapper, in addition, perfectly understands where he would perform, God forbid, and he got to the Circus Maximus standing on the roof of a bulky van. It seemed like bluster, but instead, the show fulfilled or exhausted the pressing needs of those who only wanted to know one thing: why is everyone afraid of Travis Scott but running towards him? Just because he is a champion.

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