TTB’s reaction to Fakhruddin Kouka’s sign for counting money: We are ashamed

wall – The Turkish Doctors’ Union (TTB) responded to Health Minister Fahrettin Koca’s words that doctors go abroad to earn more while discussing the ministry’s budget in the Planning and Budget Committee of the Turkish Grand National Assembly yesterday.

In the post shared on TBB’s social media account, a video was included of the moments Fahrettin Koca made a sign of counting money after saying “not because of us” amid opposition criticism.

In the post, the Minister of Health’s “analysis” on the reasons for the migration of doctors in our country, where violence and suicides of doctors in health care are on the rise, despair and lack of future are deepening, and medical textbooks are being replaced by foreign language textbooks in colleges… “We feel ashamed!” He used expressions.

What happened?

Referring to the migration of doctors abroad during budget discussions in the Planning and Budget Committee of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey yesterday, Fahrettin Koca said: “In particular, there are numbers taken from the medical room, which are also taken from us, and, as you know, there are numbers taken From us, from the medical room… and from the Doctors Syndicate, “Our numbers do not match your numbers. Could you please share these numbers with us?” We also wrote a letter and are waiting for it. In 2002, 1,359 people asked for a good conduct certificate, but 450 people are still abroad, only 450 people work abroad, the rest are in the country. I say This is with He said: “In 2023, 1321, 401 people appear to have traveled abroad. “250 of the 401 are practitioners.”

“So, we see that a third of those who go abroad are specialists, two-thirds are practitioners, and most of them are practitioners. So, where do they mostly go? Do they go to Germany? No, Qatar, Kuwait, Dubai, then Germany.” “Because of you,” said Koka, and Hedebe Much’s deputy, Sizai Temele, replied.

Then, Coca said: “It is not because of us. We cannot give 30-40-50 thousand dollars. It is not because of us, I mean in addition to that it is for educational purposes, because it is oriented towards practice, and also for educational purposes. How do we have so many doctors? 205 thousand how much goes 401 so be it 450 500 600 km in a thousand Let it be 1.9 Let it be 2 Let it be 2.5 Let it be 3 Let it be 4, that is, 2 of a thousand. Let’s double it by your calculation, 4 people will disappear. Is this a problem?” he said. (News Center)

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