Twenty artists exhibit at Diocleziano for the contemporary art collective.

They will twenty artists who will exhibit their works in the collective of contemporary art Inclusions 8What will start on August 12 and will last until September 8 next year. The meeting, included in the Lanciano summer program and taking place among the evocative arches of the Diocletian Auditorium, is held under the patronage of the President of the Regional Council of Abruzzo, Municipality of Lanciano and organized in collaboration withartistic and cultural association “Friends of Lancianovecchia”. The exhibition, already the eighth in a row, is curated by Gruppo Inclusioni, coordinated by Antonio Di Campli in collaboration with Gastone Costantini, two renowned artists from Lanciano.

Artists, 10 women and 10 meni, to present works of three-dimensional art that combine sculpture, stone balancing installation (stones in balance), artists’ books, works made from various materials, from stones to bronze, from terracotta to paper, and paints, in various techniques, acrylic, oil and watercolor in experimental solutions.You will be able to admire the creations Antonio Di Campli, Antonio D’Annunzio, Aldo D’Anastasio, Beatriz Mastronato, Carla di Pardo, Carla Trivellone, Chico Stone, Claudio Gaspari, Davide Skuteche, Emma Archer, Emanuela Pancella, Ettore Altieri, Gastone Costantini, Incoronata Mezzanotte, Marisa Orsatti , Michele Versace, Nicola Antonelli, Paolo Dongu, Serena Giannico, Valeria Vitulli. The names that come from different and different experiences painters originatewho are from Abruzzo, Molise and Lazio. Among them there are recognized artists of world renown. The language, unique and personal, ranges from discovering and presenting imaginary to realistic worlds. Works that convey purely personal feelings are presented: this will be the user who will relate to the work and try to understand its language and meaning.

Twenty artists exhibit at Diocleziano for the contemporary art collective.

The “Inclusion Group” was born about a year ago; first meeting takes place in Palmoli on the occasion of the first exhibition in the castle of Marquesal by the sculptor Claudio Gaspari. Immediately afterwards, on the occasion of the Fall Days of Fai, the Fai delegation from Vasto (Chinese) moves the artists to Monteodoriosio Castle (Chinese) under the supervision of the sculptor Ettore Altieri. The third meeting is at Svevo Castle in Termoli. curated by the versatile artist Carla Di Pardo and then again at the cultural center “Aldo Moro” in San Salvo (for the fourth meeting curated by the sculptor Claudio Gaspari. Fifth meeting, again at the invitation of Fai di Vasto, during Spring Days, a show in the unfinished Church of Pollutri Sixth appointment at the prestigious Palazzo Ducale Larino (Cb), curated by Carla di Pardo Seventh and final appointment for European Days of the Sea, collective in the territory of the Municipality of Thermoledited by Carla Di Pardo.

In Lanciano, the exhibition will be open to the public from Tuesday to Sunday. from 10.00 to 12.30 and from 16.00 to 18.30. On August 12, the vernissage will take place at 18:30 in the presence of the mayor of Lanciano, Filippo Paolini.

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