UK opens vaccine development center for future pandemics

he british government A new facility in Wiltshire, southern England, dedicated to Next Generation Vaccine Research,to make sure future epidemic will not result in the same Coronavirus disease.

is about the call Vaccine Evaluation and Development Center (VDEC)on UKHSA grounds in Porton Down, near Salisbury (Wiltshire).

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According to details released today, the live virus will be kept in a containment facility, and researchers will test for the pathogen for which a vaccine has not yet been developed or may be. boost immunity, such as flu.

Specific disorders will also be investigated, such as Tuberculosis (TB), They are currently conducting a phase 1 clinical trial of the world’s first injectable agent for Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, a tick-borne virus that affects 30% of cases very serious.

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UKHSA chief executive Jenny Harries said what they were trying to do was Learn from the covid-19 problem in order to prepare the country for any new epidemic.

This preparation came after it was discovered that previous administrations were too focused on preparing for a flu pandemic rather than other types of pathogens.

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