Una e întreşinută, Cealaltă a strâns o avere! The partnership between Leo Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, Americanilor under a magnifying glass

Article from Digi Sport
2023.11.08, 07:58

time Georgina Rodriguez (Arnie 29) continue without criticism For example, the Internet Antonella Roccuzzo (35 ani) mentions polul opus.

Cristiano Ronaldo and Cristiano Ronaldo Or imagine a self-centered woman If you are a materialist, then Messi is privita foarte bine.

Antonela Raccazzo has 20 million euros

Publicaşia americană El Futbolero is a comparison partner celor mai mari doi competitor din istoria fotbalului and au au concluzii completely different. Sursa citată susşine played with Georgina in CR7, when Antonela ajuns left or looked impressive.

Messi has impressed in Argentina’s three matches against Natara. Upon completion, we will receive 20 million euros and increasing.

I love you

“Chiar nu mai ai ce să arăşi?” Georgina will post photos during the vacancy and strongly rebel against her mentor: “E prea mult!”

In addition, Georgina also posted a photo of her vacation in the Mediterranean, where she relaxed, with a price tag of 6.5 million euros. CR7 is a public institution in Argentina that has won the favor of consumers with its excellent service and excellent quality.

The post describes “multiple dragons”, which is Ronaldo’s order, mainly to describe the dragon situation.

“Aş spune multi lux şi puşină droste”, “E cam prea multi. Ce altceva mai ştii să faci? Devii cam superficială”, “Multă Dragoste şi all ce faci e să-şi arăşi lucrile” show “Chiar nu mai ai ce să arăşi?”au fost cateva dintre commentiile urmăritorilor săi.

I love you

Georgina Rodriguez’s close encounter with Cristiano Ronaldo

Georgina and Ronaldo formed a cup in Madrid in 2016, from când fotbalistul to remarcat-o la magazinul Gucci. Lucra atunci ca vânzătoare, through it is schimbat complete timp, i ar ace lucru se poate observa and din Transformare izică din ultimii 6 ani.

Mom, Georgina looks very beautiful and I took a photo of me in the gallery to use my imagination and do her good and succeed by taking care of her children.

I love you

Georgina Rodriguez
Antonella Roccuzzo

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