Unbroken is a heroic true story film directed by Angelina Jolie.

Tonight, September 11, 2023, the 2014 film directed and produced by Angelina Jolie, Unbroken, returns to Italia 1. The film is inspired by Laura Hillenbrand’s biographical book and traces the most important stages of the life of Louis Zamperini. And when it comes to movie life, Louis’s life is a prime example. The Olympic Games, World War II, shipwrecks and prisoner of war camps.

For loop True storyIris presents the film again tonight at 9 p.m. Unbroken, since 2014. Directed by Angelina Jolie. The film traces the incredible life of Louis Zamperini, athlete, survivor and war hero, inspired by the 2010 biographical book written by Laura Hillenbrand. I’m still a man. An epic story of resistance and courage.

Unbroken, plot

Scene from
Scene from “Unbroken”

We are in 1943Louis (Jack O’Connell), who nearly died aboard a bomber, and his crew are sent on a mission to find missing persons. However, the plane they are about to fly on, according to Louis, is not suitable for this purpose. In fact, the first problems will begin to arise precisely when the soldiers cross the ocean. Unfortunately, the plane crashed into the sea.

THAT three survivorsLouis, Mark and Phil will survive using inflatable rafts. After 47 days at sea and several failed rescue attempts, Louis and Phil would be captured by the Japanese and sent to prisoner of war camps, joining the fate of other prisoners of war. Mark will die on the 33rd day.

Then the two friends and colleagues will have to part ways. Louis will be sent to the Tokyo camp, where he will have to endure the oppression and humiliation of Corporal Watanabe. Things go from bad to worse when Louis is transferred to an institution run by a ruthless Japanese man. However, at the end of the war, the two friends will survive and will be ready to start a new war. new stage of their lifeaimed at revival and forgiveness.

True story

In parallel with the military events, part of Louis’ childhood and youth is also shown, where we see how he comes into contact with world of athletics and sports. The son of Italian immigrants originally from Verona, Zamperini had many difficulties learning the language of his new home, but he excelled in sports from high school. In those years, he set several records that remained unbroken for a long time.

Then he managed to participate in 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin.. He did not perform well, but was praised for his speed in the 5000 meters. He also received personal compliments from Adolf Hitler. Five years later, Louis was flying over the Pacific Ocean with the Royal Navy, and what we told you above actually happened. In anticipation of this evening, I leave you with an article that we dedicated to Angelina Jolie on her birthday.

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