Urgent: The fifth prisoner exchange between Hamas and Israel is completed – the latest world news at the last minute

Breaking news! After extending the “humanitarian truce” between Israel and Hamas for another two days, Hamas handed over 12 more hostages to Red Cross officials.

In response to this move by Hamas, Israel released a total of 30 Palestinians, including 15 children and 15 women.

The exchange took place today with the initial agreement extended by 4 days. The agreement stipulated that the ceasefire be extended for 24 hours for every 10 additional hostages left by Hamas.

Meanwhile, negotiations began on a new long-term ceasefire in the Qatari capital, Doha. It was announced that Egypt, as well as the heads of the US and Israeli intelligence agencies, the CIA and Mossad, participated in the talks.

Power exchange agreement between Hamas and Israel

The agreement regarding a four-day “humanitarian truce” for confrontations between Israel and Hamas entered into force on Friday, November 24, at 07:00 (08:00 GMT).

Within the framework of the prisoner exchange agreement and within the scope of the “humanitarian mediation” agreement between Israel and the Hamas movement, 61 Israeli prisoners, one of whom was a man and the others were women and children, were released from the Gaza Strip and 180 prisoners. Palestinian women and children have been released from Israeli prisons so far.

Yesterday, Qatar announced the extension of the “humanitarian break” for an additional two days, as a result of mediation efforts between Hamas and Israel.

(tags for translation) Breaking news

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