Urologist Dario Vazquez-Matur answers readers’ questions

Dr. Darío Vázquez-Martul is a specialist in urology and holds the European title of the specialty (Board of Urology). He currently serves as a urologist and mentor to the CHUAC Urology Services residency and is a surgeon in the Kidney Transplant Unit at the same center, where he serves as a robotic surgery, prostate cancer and oncology urologist on the team. fartherUrology departments of San Rafael Hospital and Quiron Sal Hospital of Coruña.

On the occasion, he answers questions from readers of the “Tu Especialista Responde” initiative in the La Capital editorial headline “Ideal Health” galician ideal, Bergantinos’ diary, ferrol newspaper and Arusha’s diary

I have recurring UTIs every two months or so. I’m taking all the necessary precautions and have been taking probiotics and blueberries for a long time, what else can I do?

Recurrent UTIs in women may be related to a variety of causes, such as a history of episodes in childhood, new sexual partners, estrogen deficiency in postmenopausal women, or pelvic organ prolapse.

In the face of recurrent UTI cases, it is important to perform urine cultures to identify the microorganism and to be able to apply effective antibiotic therapy with an appropriate regimen. In cases where a UTI recurs after proper treatment, imaging studies are recommended if we suspect other precipitating factors (such as urinary tract disease or stones).

In any case, we must follow some guidelines: drink enough water, eliminate possible risk factors, initiate non-antimicrobial measures (probiotics, hormone replacement therapy, or targeted vaccines), and finally, consider regular use of antibiotic prophylaxis.

My son is 35 months old and he just had bronchitis and I noticed that once throughout the day his pee was thicker or cloudier and I attributed it to him not drinking water for hours and I gave him it Disappeared. The bronchitis I notice every day these days, but only once, I told his pediatrician and he sent a urine test and culture within 15 days, but I’m worried, will this be normal?

Urinary tract infections are rare in children under 5 years of age and are more common in girls than boys. If UTI is highly suspected in children, antibiotic therapy should be initiated without waiting for urine culture results.

We also have rapid urine tests, if they are available, that can help us guide cases. We must remember that children under the age of three have several alarm symptoms, such as fever, vomiting, irritability, refusal to eat, and peeing. A bad smell or blood in the urine; these symptoms usually persist or worsen as long as the infection is not treated properly.

The presence of cloudy or whitish urine may be an indication that we should not be confused with darker or darker colored urine which, as he nicely commented, could be due to low water intake. Most infections improve within 24-48 hours of starting antibiotic treatment.

I am a 68 year old male and for a while, when I wanted to urinate, I noticed that the flow of urine was weak and shortly after I finished, I wanted to urinate again.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a very common condition among men over the age of 50-60 – it is estimated that up to 75% of men over the age of 80 may experience symptoms – which is caused by growths in the central area of ​​the prostate gland, the prostate gland.

The prostate is located below the bladder and its growth can cause symptoms of obstruction such as difficulty urinating (fine urine, need for abdominal pressure…) or a feeling that the bladder is not fully emptied, creating the need to urinate again within a short time. There are other pathological conditions that can produce similar symptoms, such as urethral obstruction or altered bladder contractility.

Before visiting a doctor, an evaluation by a urologist is recommended to determine the true source of the problem and formulate the most appropriate treatment for each situation.

After the age of 50, how often is it appropriate to have a review?

Testing of asymptomatic men has focused on controlling PSA (prostate-specific antigen) levels to allow opportunistic screening for prostate cancer, the most common malignancy in men (one in nine). Early detection can increase the chances of a complete cure with treatment.

The recommended age to start these controls was 50 years, and 45 years if certain risk factors were present, such as an immediate family member with prostate cancer or an African-American patient. This age can be lowered to 40 years for men who have more than one immediate family member with prostate cancer.

Based on the control of some baseline PSA value, the urologist will develop guidelines and control intervals, recommending annual control.

Is it normal to urinate 3 to 4 times at night?

Waking up at night repeatedly wanting to pee is not normal and needs to be understood. We have to remember that consuming a lot of fluids with dinner or before bed can cause this problem, and it can be exacerbated by alcohol consumption. For example, certain diuretic drugs used to treat arterial hypertension can also cause these disorders.

In addition to these conditions, in men, the most common cause of nocturia (the desire to urinate during sleep) is benign prostatic hyperplasia, a full bladder symptom that occurs when the growth of the prostate makes it difficult to properly empty the bladder. .

In many women, this symptom is due to an altered voiding dynamic that causes the bladder to become more active than normal (overactive bladder), resulting in more frequent urination.
In different cases, symptoms can improve or disappear after proper evaluation, advice, and treatment by a specialist.

What advice do you have for maintaining a good sexual relationship? Can I take something natural to keep and improve erections?

The best advice for preventing erectile dysfunction in men is to adopt heart-healthy lifestyle habits. Erectile problems have arisen over the years and are closely related to cardiovascular risk factors: obesity, smoking, high blood pressure, a sedentary lifestyle… because these factors lead to blockage of the arteries involved in the erection mechanism.

If some degree of erectile dysfunction develops as a result, medications and other alternatives can be used to improve erections in addition to lifestyle changes.
In case of decreased libido, it is also advisable to know the level of testosterone in the blood.

In some cases, psychological or pharmacological factors may co-exist that interfere with and reduce libido and make intercourse difficult, such as stressful situations or antidepressant treatment.

After 20 radiation treatments for prostate cancer, you feel intense fatigue, is this normal or normal?

Radiation therapy is one of the treatment options for prostate cancer, but depending on its characteristics and aggressiveness at the time of diagnosis, it is recommended to add hormone therapy with an effect of 6 months to 3 years. The treatment produces medical castration, significantly lowering testosterone levels, and fatigue or muscle weakness are common side effects. These fatigue symptoms should improve as blood testosterone levels return after treatment ends.

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