Used shoes: why buy them and why not (in our opinion)

There are those who see a huge opportunity that others will not take advantage of even under torture. What? Put yourself in shoes another. Literally.

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“Buy them” or “never”? This is Hamlet’s doubt. Because if it’s true that second hand market is on the rise and is buying clothes and bags used it’s easy and fun, with used shoes the situation is a little more complicated and you need to pay attention to some factors, Firstly that shoes are chosen not only with the eyes, but also with the feet (and also with the heart, if we have DNA a la Carrie Bradshaw).

Do you know the theory of incorrect shoes?

Many have probably already experienced this, only now it has a name, Wrong shoe theory, wrong shoe theory. And thus, it became a viral trend on TikTok. But what is it?


On the other hand, according to Alison Lutinski, regional store manager Buffalo Exchange In New York City, shoes are now one of the best-selling used categories online, from sneakers to the latest trends, from comfort styles to high heels. And sales show no signs of slowing down also because, if the deal is good, you can also buy a model worth thousands of euros at a (much) lower price.

Barbie shoes are more than a heel

They are made from the same material that makes up the dreamy, high-top Barbie shoes that have always fascinated small and large women. And now that the highly anticipated film has the doll going through an existential crisis (heels or flats?), that’s why we’re all rooting for her.


Besides your wallet, the environment naturally thanks you too. According to award-winning American journalist and author Tansy E. Hoskins, “66.6 million pairs of shoes are produced not every month or every week, but every single day,” with devastating consequences for the planet. Economic error or virtuous choicebusiness “in his shoes” the world today is divided in half: into those who have no problem adding a shoe rack to their cart and those who never use shoes in their lives. So the two points of view are compared.

Because I don’t buy used shoes

Ilaria Perrotta, author

Let me start by saying I’m alone shoeaholic (according to Urban Dictionary, someone who owns more than 60 pairs of shoes) so much so that for his wedding proposal, my future husband asked for my foot, not my hand, giving me a beautiful open toe in black satin (my wedding theme was obviously shoes in every sense). But that is precisely why, despite being somewhat seductive at times, I don’t buy them used:

  • When I was little, my mother told me that it’s like mascara and lipstick, It’s better not to wear someone else’s shoes because, taking the form of those who wore them before, it is harmful to the legs and posture. This fashion lessons atavistic mode puts me into alert mode at the mere thought of buying used shoes. Years pass, but I remain a good girl. I won’t go anywhere but to Heaven or even Oz. But with new shoes, maybe even shiny ones.
  • Hygiene issue: It doesn’t take a doctor to know that shoes are an ideal breeding ground for fungus, which requires moisture, warmth and darkness to multiply and thrive. And even if, perhaps not so much in the markets but especially on the Internet, you can find models complete with one-time wear guarantees, I know that I will still be uncomfortable.
  • Last but not least, Cinderella motivation romantic: best friend never had a diamond, but yes, a lot of shoes. Always first Mary Jane and ballerinas, then heels of all heights (and now there are a lot flat shoes, especially after the birth of my son) are made of the same stuff that dreams are made of. I wouldn’t like to think about other people’s feet standing on my feet.

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