Using incontinence pads increases risk of urinary tract infections in adults

Frail patients are more likely to be diaper dependent during their hospital stay.

Severely frail patients were 1.5 times more likely to use diapers during hospitalization. Photo: Shutterstock.

The findings, published in the Journal of Advances in Nursing Research, highlight the importance of addressing this issue incontinence urinary tract in the elderly to prevent unnecessary hospitalization.

A recent study by Danish researchers highlights the continued use of compression Water absorption and hygiene incontinence Adults over 65 years of age are at increased risk for urinary tract infections.

incontinence and urinary tract infections

this incontinence Urinary leakage or bladder loss is a common problem that occurs occasionally when coughing, sneezing, or related straining, and may even result in a sudden need to urinate without being able to reach the bladder. Toilet.

Urinary tract infections, on the other hand, can occur anywhere in the urinary system, such as the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Most of these conditions occur in the lower urinary tract (bladder and urethra).

Use of pads and severely vulnerable patients

Danish researchers conducted a retrospective analysis to examine the relationship between use compression absorbent incontinence Urinary tract infection, weakness, and need for diapers before and during hospitalization. For this purpose, 1,958 patients with a mean age of 84 years were linked.

“About one-third of patients use compression absorbent incontinence On admission, the majority were female and about half were considered to have severe frailty,” the study details.

risk of infection

“referring to the purpose of something compression Water absorption and hygiene incontinence “The adjusted odds of developing a urinary tract infection on admission were twice as high, especially among patients with a retained urinary catheter,” he said.

Weakness and diaper dependence

Frailty was also identified as a risk factor, with those with severe intensity being more likely to use such elements, underscoring the importance of preventing and addressing frailty. incontinence in frail older adults.

“Severely frail patients were 1.5 times more likely to use diapers during hospitalization. In a group of 687 participants, they did not use compression He was in good health on admission and diagnosed with incontinence There were excretions or indwelling catheters on admission, 40% became diaper users during hospitalization, and 11% of them also developed urinary tract infections. “

Prevent and reduce incontinence

Based on the results provided by this study, one of the messages for health and home care professionals is to prevent, detect and limit incontinence urinary tract in frail older adults, thereby reducing the risk of hospitalization.

“If hospitalization is unavoidable, it is important to prioritize toileting, programmed/induced voiding and other alternatives. compression hygiene for incontinence“.

Reference source: here.

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