“Vanity and the devil of envy go hand in hand.”

he pope francisco Still cold, he asked a collaborator to read his catechesis to a general audience. «I still had a bit of a cold, so I asked Monsignor (Filippo) Ciampanelli “Let him read the catechesis,” said the pope, who arrived in a wheelchair in the Paul VI classroom where the audience was taking place. The Pope also did not read out the address he received in public to the Patriarchal Patriarch of Cilicia in Armenia.

Just two days ago, the Vatican suspended Francis’ agenda after reporting that “problems” persisted. mild flu symptoms, although there is no fever. The pope did celebrate the traditional Angelus prayer on Sunday, leaning out of the window of the papal palace and reciting it in a good voice before thousands of worshipers gathered in St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican, despite the same agenda he had on Saturday is closed.

Filippo Ciampanelli was a man who read the Papal CatechismEffie

In a speech on Wednesday, the Bishop of Rome concluded a general audience in the Paul VI Hall by asking “not to forget the peoples of Ukraine, Palestine, Israel and many other countries who have suffered from war”. But first, he devoted his catechism to another sin, envy, about which his collaborators read: “The face of the envious is always sad, his eyes are downcast, and he seems to be Constantly surveying the ground, but there was no reality in him.” He could see nothing because his mind was wrapped in evil thoughts. “Jealousy, if left unchecked, can lead to hatred of others.”

«Abel will die at the hands of Cain, he could not bear the happiness of his brother,” he added. Speaking of vanity, the pope wrote: “It goes hand in hand with the demon of envy, and these two vices together constitute those who desire to be the center of the world, to freely exploit everything. and typical characteristics of all people, those who are the objects of exploitation. everything. “Praise and affection. Vanity is an inflated, unfounded self-esteem.”

Francis must drink water during Wednesday’s public audienceEffie

In a final appeal, he also asked for “prayer for the victims of recent attacks on places of worship” Burkina Faso; and for the people HaitiCrime and kidnappings by armed gangs continue.

In another letter, the Pope recalled that March 1 will mark the 25th anniversary of the entry into force of the Convention. Mine Ban Convention And expressed regret that “years after the end of hostilities, they continue to beat innocent civilians, especially children.” He then expressed concern for the many victims of these devices, which “remind us of the brutality of war and the cost to civilians.”

In this regard, he thanked “all those who contributed to helping the victims and cleaning up the contaminated areas,” since “their work is a concrete response to the universal call to be architects of peace and to look after our brothers and sisters.”

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