Venezia80, Kinéo Award: Godmother Ana De La Reguera, Chiara Tilesi, Kinéo and GCHR

CINEMA – Venezia80, Kinéo Award: godmother Ana De La Reguera, Chiare Tilesi, Kinéo and GCHR

Kineo Awardconceived and directed Rosetta Sunnelli (President of the Cultural Association “Kineo”), this year enters the third decade 80th Venice Biennale International Film Festival..

Godmother of the 21st issue AND Ana de la Reguerain Venice with an award-winning Mexican director Michael Franco who presents the film in the competition 80 memories With Jessica Chastain AND Peter Sarsgaard.

Ana de la Reguera she is one of the most famous Mexican actresses who spends her time between her country and Hollywood. Among the international successes we recall: “pueblo chico, Hell Great” From Benjamin Cann With Veronica Castrowhat does he get Herald Award How Best Actress. In Hollywood, he works with directors such as Jared Hess AND Carlos Carrera and actors like Jack Black, Harrison Ford AND Bruce Willis.

Among the first announced prizes: Human Rights Award To Claire Tilesi Italian director and producer, currently based in Los Angeles, dedicated to social change through art, media and film, awarded Kineo AND Global Human Rights Campus.

Claire Tilesi is the founder We do it together (WDIT), a non-profit film production company dedicated to the empowerment of women and minorities. “Never more than this year have women been deprived of their rights and victims of violence.” – he claims SunnellyThink Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Yemen and Africa. Let’s think about the scourge of feminicide“.

In 2018 he also gave birth Frequency productionfocused on creating media that have a positive impact on society. For your last film Say it like a womanconsisting of seven segments directed by seven female directors, was nominated for an awardOscar 2023 for Best Original Song.

Recognition, very close to the recognition of human rights, is Solidarity Awardappointed Martha Miniukki, for producing a documentary on the work of the Italian non-governmental organization CEFA (European Committee for Education and Agriculture) to implement projects that sustainably help local communities, especially in the agriculture, water, environment and society sectors. Today, CEFA operates in 11 countries in Africa and Central and South America, implementing agricultural development projects.

Concerning First worksTwo titles were then chosen between dramatic works and comedies: Very quiet From Nicholas Prosatore With Antonia Truppo (performer and screenwriter), producer Eskimo From Dario Formisano AND Cheese with pears From Luca Calvinia light-hearted family-friendly comedy filmed in the splendor of the Tuscan countryside.

Pastore’s story is the gritty and dramatic story of some people forced to leave their suburban homes to make way for a new overpass that will destroy their little world forever.

However, the second is a brilliant comedy that tells the story of Fosco (Francesco Champme) and Fred (Luca Calvini), two opposite brothers: the first, simple and free, working in a supermarket, the other handsome and charming, but superficial, trying to make a fortune in American cinema. At the end of many clashes, faced with inheritance, they manage to find a good coexistence…

Kineothen I wanted to celebrate the centenary of the birth of the poet who changed Italian cinema (and not only) by awarding the producer MG Production Morena Gentile for making a documentary Pier Paolo Pasolini – New Visiondirector Giancarlo Scarcillicreated in collaboration with Cinecitta light, Paradise Cinema AND Experimental Center for Cinematography.

Historic side event International Film Festival supported DGCA belonging military-industrial complex and it will take place Saturday, September 2, 2023in great surroundingsHotel Ca Sagredowhich has now become, thanks to the sensitivity to the art of the director, Lorenza Lanehouse Kineo Award.

Hold an actor awards ceremony Fabio Fulcoselected Frank Zeffirelli For “Tea with Mussoliniand the star of such successful series as three roses of Eve, THATJudge Mastrangelo, sea ​​people, Artemisia Sanchez, My September.

Traditional Support Veneto Film Commission where the long-awaited press conference will take place. “On behalf of the President and Board of Directors of the Venice Film Commission, I am delighted to once again welcome the Kinéo Award this year to the Veneto Region – Veneto Film Commission, thus resuming the flourishing collaboration between the Film Commission and the award. The Kineo Award, edition after edition, is again confirmed as the most important forge of national cinema.” says the director. Veneto Film Commission, Jacopo Chessa.

Very true of Kineo Award Tuscan stylist Eleanor Lastrucciable to make all the red carpets perfect in her haute couture outfits and make the event beautiful.

Finally, joining the Kinéo project continues. San Pellegrinoa brand that needs no introduction, has been a constant presence for twenty years and has recently become part of the Prosecco DOC Consortium: “Prosecco DOC is the largest appellation in the world, as evidenced by over 600 million bottles contested annually by connoisseurs from all over the world. As a consortium that protects and promotes Prosecco DOC. – comments President Stefano Zanette – we are always willing to support initiatives related to the world of art and culture and are happy to renew our cooperation with the prestigious Kinéo Award this year, which fits well into the program of original events of the Venice Film Festival; in particular, in this edition, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of an outstanding event that originated and developed with growing success on the Venetian Lido.“. We are still proud to celebrate our collaboration with Molinari, a reference company of Italian liqueur tradition and quality, born in 1945 thanks to the brilliant intuition of Angelo Molinari, who, thanks to his experience, managed to create a special recipe of the highest quality and unmistakable taste, which remains family today. secret. Today, Molinari, a reference brand in Italy and abroad, is present in more than 70 countries and represents the Italian way of life all over the world. And finally, partnership with Beatty Milana brand founded by two women, Anna Rita Fidanza and Isabella Lazzini, who have always shared a love and passion for fashion, beauty and design, and have created five collections that allow every woman to express her eclecticism and individuality in the best possible way: Montecarlo, Burano. , Porto, Rome, Verona are the names of the five lines that distinguish the Maison’s creative portfolio.

By tradition, this year the Prize again cooperates with Global Human Rights CampusSupported UN AND European UnionFilm Critics UnionSNCI), With Veneto Film CommissionWITH’IT TV festival Los Angeles created by Valentina Martelli and Cristina Scognamillo with acting schools and agents to empower the audiovisual world through Young Revelation Awardand with ANEC recognizing in cinemas a place where you can fully experience the magic of cinema.

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