Venice Film Festival is coming: big titles between nationalities that meet in the lagoon

Everyone lined up. Film-opening of the competition of the 80s. Venice Film Festival AND “Commander” From Edward DeAngelis With Pierfrancesco Favino.

Twenty-three films are participating in the competition, six of which are Italian. WITH DeAngelisAeneas” From Peter Castellitto“Finally Dawn” Xavier CostanzoLjubo” From George WrightsI am the captain” From Matthew GarroneSlowly” From Stefano Sollima.

Fifty-four nationalities in a rich program. Director Alberto Barbera will be godmother Katerina Murino and from August 30 to September 10, 2023, Italian directors will compete with sacred monsters such as Luc Besson, David Fincher, Michael Mann.

Even women who are only four years old have their own weight. To name two: New Yorker Sofia Coppola with “Priscilla” dedicated to his wife Elvis Presley and Polish director Agnieszka Holland who is delighted withEurope Europein 1990. This year, the screenwriter competes with “Zelena Border-Green Border”, set before the Russian invasion, in black and white.

The international jury is chaired by an American Oscar winner. Damien Chazellevalued for its playfulness”La La Land”, which opened the 73rd Exhibition in Laguna.

Director in good company with an American Laura Poitras last year’s Golden Lion winner with “All the beauty and pain“. There is also a Silver Lion for Best Director 2021 with “dog power“, New Zealander Jane Campion. Director-actor Gabriel Mainetti the only Italian on the jury competing with “freak outat the exhibition in 2021.

But Venezia80 is not just a competition. The side sections sometimes dominate in quality in the selection. Like section “horizons“,”Week of Criticism“,”Author’s Day” AND “Venetian classic“.

Alberto Barbera is engaged in the selection of “Venice Classics” together with Federico Gironi.

A jury of film students chaired by a director and screenwriter from Trentino. Andrea Pallaoro participated in Venice with “Medea(Horizons), “Hannah(Volpi Cup at Charlotte Rampling) and last year with “Monicawill present the Venezia Classici Award for Best Restored Film.

Many cult films like “Beautiful” From Luchino Visconti 1951, which marks the fiftieth anniversary of the disappearance Anna Magnani. But also hugeAndrey Rublev” From Andrei Tarkovsky 1966, unedited reconstruction of the full version, censored before release.

Last but not least, a documentary about Orson Welles 1958″Portrait of Gina Lollobrigida“. For the charming actress, photographer “Lollo”, who recently passed away on January 16, “Provincial” Mario Soldier.

Great titles are announced and distributed among the competition and other sections. Opportunities are noticeable even in out-of-competition with directors such as Woody Allen, Roman Polanski or Wes Anderson who will be participating with a short film”The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar“.

Strike Sag Afra (United States Film and Television Actors and Radio Artists), if something is not unlocked by the agreement, it will affect the arrival of stars in Mostra.

In fact, he will not participate in the premiere of his second film in Venice (the first “A star is born”, with the talented Lady Gaga in 2018) actor-director Bradley Cooper. Biopic in competition.Owner”, dedicated to the great composer Leonard Bernstein.

The exhibition, which is turning eighty years old, always keeps up with the times to keep an eye on the future of the world. In fact, the public is eager to take part in the ritual. Lagoonnot only the red carpet, and proves it by booking tickets for shows that are almost all sold out.

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