Vithas Almería emergency services served 15,200 patients during the summer

Hospital emergency services during summer (June, July and August) Visas Almeria The frequency of patients has increased.In total, Almeria hospitals treated more than 15,000 Almeria between adults (11,154) and Visas El Ejido Medical Center. (3,986). Apart from, 3,055 people Among them is the Children’s Emergency Register.

The main reasons for hospital visits in children are gastroenteritis and otitis media.Regarding the most significant pathologies in adults, they are Respiratory processes, trauma such as sunburn, traffic accidents, sprains and gastroenteritis,
Among other things. Another noteworthy fact is that, in recent times, the incidence of such diseases has increased significantly. Coronavirus disease, although there are no serious records. The increase in positive cases is due to displacement and a concentration of events over the summer. Currently, respiratory illnesses account for more than 35% of emergency room visits.

Regarding the patient’s route after entering the emergency room, Dr. Martinez Explaining the steps “Once patients arrive at the admission counter, they proceed to the waiting room where they will be asked to be triaged according to the Universal Manchester system and assigned a doctor to treat them. Depending on the priority of the emergency, patients will He was called for a consultation and was attended to by medical staff.”

In order to provide the highest quality of service, the Visas Almeria emergency response team has strengthened its staffing during the summer “Rush hour” (11:30 am to 2:00 pm and 5:30 pm to 12:00 am) for convenience and shorten patient waiting time.

The priority is you

Today, Visas Almería Hospital is the benchmark for private healthcare in the province, enjoying top-notch quality care and being supported by a network of highly regarded physicians who work every day to improve the health and experience of their patients.

his first aid unit It has its own space, with functional areas and passages, differentiated from other facilities and directly connected to the center’s other services, designed to facilitate the speed and priority of patient care. The organization of media and space favors the efficiency of the professionals who serve them, providing high-quality and fully personalized emergency services.

Vithas Almería emergency services serve approx. 64,000people per year.Every day, emergency professionals deal with an average of 175 In cases of increased population and/or higher frequency, this number may triple to almost 400 One day, such as August 14 last year.

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