Vithas experts explain how to care for hearing health in autumn and avoid otitis media and hearing loss

Symptoms of otitis media include ear pain, a feeling of blockage, general malaise, and sometimes fever.

Editorial Valencia Capital Radio

Sudden changes in temperature can increase the risk of colds and viral illnesses that affect the ears. As Dr. Carlos de Paula, an otolaryngologist at Vithas Valencia 9 de Octubre Hospital explains, “Flu and colds can cause large amounts of mucus to be produced, which can accumulate in the ears, causing reinfections and leading to otitis media. Due to the inflammation, we begin to notice feelings of blockage, throbbing, and mild hearing loss in the ears.”.

In the first moments, it is recommended to consult a specialist, who will assess whether appropriate therapeutic measures are necessary to promote the drainage of mucus and restore hearing levels. “If excess mucus is not eliminated,” the professional comments, “inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media) may occur, which is most common during the colder months and manifests itself as ear pain, a feeling of blockage, and in some cases General malaise and fever”.

Vulnerable Groups

According to the Spanish Society of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (SEORL-CCC), 90% of children suffer from otitis media at least once before the age of five. During the change of seasons, children and the elderly are at greater risk of developing otitis media due to their lower defense capabilities. “Also, in children, the Eustachian tubes may be immature or blocked by growths known as adenoids, which facilitate mucus and bacteria from the nose and throat into the middle ear.”emphasizing professionalism.

hearing loss

Consecutive episodes of otitis media or poorly treated infections can lead to a permanent hearing defect: hearing loss, which begins to affect a person’s quality of life. “Hence the importance of visiting an expert”Paula’s doctor said.

How to take care of our hearing health

To avoid colds and take care of your ears so they don’t get infected, Dr. Carlos de Paola recommends:

  • Rinse your nose regularly with saline or saline solution to encourage mucus drainage..
  • Avoid sudden changes in temperature, especially when entering or leaving any room.
  • Protect your mouth and nose from cold air.
  • Wash your hands well to eliminate germs that can cause respiratory infections.
  • Reduce or eliminate tobacco consumption in the home environment.

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