Vithas Lesson Start Tips: Visual Review, Good Posture and Control Screen Use

Alicante.The new academic year has begun and therefore, different specialists at the Vithas Hospital in Valencia and Catalonia offer a series of key guidelines Designed to help parents succeed.

In this sense, experts review the main issues that must be taken into account to prevent children from experiencing difficulties throughout their studies.

Backpack selection and posture habits

First, before heading to class, it’s worth talking about the importance of a backpack. The right choice is crucial to avoid conditions such as contractures, postural changes, and even scoliosis, as weight overload can lead to pain and back and shoulder problems. According to the regulations of the Pediatric Association and the Spanish Association of Children’s Products, the weight of the backpack should not exceed 10% of the child’s body weight.

as the doctor explained Jose NebotTraumatologists from Vithas Castellón, Vithas Valencia 9 de Octubre and Vithas Valencia Consuelo hospitals said that “very heavy school bags can put undue stress on children’s backs and shoulders, leading to overexertion and muscle fatigue. In addition, being overweight causes them to grow weak since childhood. You develop incorrect posture habits.”

According to experts, “The ideal situation is that the backpack contains only what the child needs every day. It is lightweight, does not exceed 10% of the child’s weight, and can be adjusted to the child’s size. The backpack itself does not cause any harm, the problem is when When it is too heavy. In addition, it must be hung on the shoulders with two handles, in the back area, reaching the waist area, but it must not be hung below these parts of the spine, that is, the lower part is not lower than the waist, and the upper part is not lower than the waist and neck. on. On the other hand, I recommend the backpack’s lumbar support to be padded.”

Another factor to consider is teaching your child to lift the bag in the proper way when carrying it, “i.e. bend your knees and use your legs when placing the bag.” Nebot.

Eye examination

On the other hand, the Department of Ophthalmology of the Vithas Valencia Consuelo Hospital recalls that from the age of five, children are recommended to undergo eye examinations “to detect possible changes that may affect their development”, so this is a good time. The school year begins.

Furthermore, they note that it is recommended to restore “customs and good habits lost during the summer, such as the neglect of the use of glasses due to the many water activities performed at beaches and swimming pools”.

Study Strategies: Avoiding Academic Failure

From the beginning of the course, “Learning strategies that promote self-directed learning processes are critical to students’ academic success, thereby reducing the fear of academic failure. Therefore, it is critical to provide children with the tools and strategies to cope with the demands of the new school year,” They from the Department of Psychology at Vithas Medimar Hospital explain.

Many students have difficulty organizing their studies, remembering and fixating content, paying attention and concentrating. Generally, they have problems planning, planning and carrying out school activities. “Of course, this can create feelings of negativity and frustration, which can lead to homework abandonment and academic failure,” he explains. Mª Carmen Solidersunit psychologist.

“To ensure that children can progress actively and effectively in their learning process, they must learn different self-planning, motivation and self-evaluation strategies,” he concluded.

Infectious diseases and handwashing habits

On the other hand, doctors Tatiana CortezChildren, specialists in internal medicine and infectious diseases at Vitas Aguas Vivas Hospital and Vitas Alzira Medical Center recalled, “are at greater risk of contracting infectious diseases due to their immature immunity and poor hygiene practices.” They don’t wash their hands, share toys or dirty things, or cough).

Doctors note that the children most susceptible to infection “are the youngest” and that, in general, infections are banal, affecting mainly the respiratory system (colds, bronchitis) and the gastrointestinal system (diarrhoea).

Therefore, to avoid infection, Dr. Cortez recommends “teaching children the habit of handwashing, especially before and after touching food or using the bathroom; and covering their mouths and forearms when coughing.”

Screen consumption: less is more

PhD. Maria Jose AgustiPediatricians at the Hospital de Visas Lleida emphasize the impact of using electronic devices at the beginning of the school year. Excessive use of these devices can cause a variety of problems, including sleep disorders, delayed speech development, and visual problems such as myopia and dry eyes.

“It is vital that educators, families and authorities reach a consensus on the issue of children’s use of electronic devices,” Dr Agusti said, stressing the importance of a collaborative approach to addressing the issue. “We all have a responsibility to keep children safe, use electronic devices responsibly, set limits and encourage healthy use.”

Coping with stress and anxiety when returning to school

PhD. Alejandra GarciaPediatricians at Visas Gallaf Medical Center emphasize the importance of properly managing the stress and anxiety that many children and adolescents may experience at the start of a new school year as they face new challenges academically and socially. According to Dr. Garcia, parents must pay attention to possible signs of stress or anxiety in their children, such as behavioral changes, sadness, loss of energy, irritability, sleep problems, or non-specific physical complaints such as headaches or headaches. ABS.

Finally, Dr. Garcia recommends that parents maintain a structured daily routine that includes study time, rest, and recreational activities, and gradually resume daily routines after the holidays. Likewise, it advises parents to encourage their children’s autonomy and allow them to make age-appropriate decisions and responsibilities.

About Vitas

Vithas Group consists of 20 hospitals and 37 medical care centers located in 14 provinces. Vithas has 12,600 professionals, making it one of the leaders in Spanish healthcare. In addition, the group has integrated the Vithas Foundation, Vithas Red Diagnóstica and Plaza Salud Procurement Center.

Vithas, supported by the Goodgrower Group, bases its corporate strategy on recognized healthcare quality, patient experience, research and innovation, and social and environmental commitments.

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