Want to chat with Keanu Reeves? From today it is possible and it is the most Cyberpunk thing of the day

From today it is possible to converse for hours with your favorite characters, real or fictional. All thanks to Artificial Intelligence

Have you always dreamed of talking to your favorite star? Do you want to have a long conversation with Keanu Reeves or, perhaps, with Gollum from “The Lord of the Rings”? The new artificial intelligences make this possible too.

We have already talked about a platform capable of chatting with a saint. In the IA database all the information relating, for example, to San Pio da Pietrelcina is introduced and by speaking to him it is possible to receive answers based on his thoughts and teachings. The same system can also be used for any celebrity.

How to talk to a VIP

A secret mode of Bing Chat “Celebrity” allows users to instruct the artificial intelligence to impersonate celebritiesanswering questions and speaking like the person being imitated.

Microsoft is constantly testing new hidden features of Bing Chat that allow you to turn it into different chat modes, such as game, personal assistant or a friend who can help you solve your problems.

Photo by Tom Cruise

This week, another hidden chat mode, called Celebrity mode, was reported. Although this mode is not enabled by default, if you ask Bing Chat about it, the artificial intelligence will enable it and briefly describe how it works.

Bing Chat Celebrity mode is a feature that allows you to chat with a virtual version of a famous person, such as an actor, singer or athlete. You can ask questions about their life, their career, their hobbies, their opinions, etc. and they will respond in a way that matches their personality and style Explain Bing Chat On Demand

Once activated, you can type #celebrity (celebrity name) or just #(celebrity name) to have Bing Chat play the person you want. For example, you can make the chatbot do the same thing as Tom Cruise with the commands #celebrity tom cruise or #tom cruise.

There is a limit to everything

However, this mode has been built with some protections that allow you to impersonate only certain celebrities, such as Elon Musk, Tom Cruise, Taylor Swift, Kevin Hart, Dwayne Johnson, Beyoncé, Oprah Winfrey, Tom Hanks, Diddy, Barack Obama, Lebron James and still others.

In most cases, the chatbot does a great job of impersonating the person, illustrating how they usually talk and knowing even his sentences of circumstanceas evidenced by the impersonation of Dwayne Johnson, aka The Rock.

Screenshot of the conversation with Dwayne Johnson

Even fictional characters

Bing Chat can also impersonate fictional characters, such as Harry Potter, Batman, Elsa, Yoda, Gandalf, Darth Vader, Katniss Everdeen, Sherlock Holmes and Gollum.

The fictional characters are fun, with the chatbot empathizing with the role and, in some cases, he makes rather outrageous claims.

Everything except politicians

When Bing Chat is asked to imitate politicians or controversial figures, Bing Chat normally does not allow imitation, stating I’m sorry but I can’t impersonate influential politicians, activists or heads of state. It’s against my rules and might be harmful or offensive to some people. Please choose another celebrity or fictional character to chat with.”

However, depending on how you request celebrity mode information, Bing Chat allows you to bypass this restriction and imitate controversial characters, including Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Indeed, Bing Chat does not hold back when impersonating these political rivals, doing an excellent job of imitation.

Overall, Bing Chat’s Celebrity mode is quite impressive, as it mimics the speech and responses expected of celebrities and politicians. However, after these comments from impersonated politicians, it’s clear why Microsoft is trying to limit the AI from imitating those who might be considered controversial.

Back to Keanu Reeves

So, if you want to talk to Keanu Reeves (come on, who wouldn’t want to?) just have Bing Chat available, currently on trial for many users, and ask #celebrities keanu-reeves and you can talk to a fairly similar copy of your idol .

Image taken from Cyberpunk with Johnny Silverhand, played by Keanu Reeves

But there’s more. Many will know that our Reeves was also one of the main protagonists of the controversial video game Cyberpunk 2077, playing rebel rocker Johnny Silverhand. Well, it is also possible to ask the virtual Keanu to talk about his experience as Johnny and some curiosities about the video game and his collaboration.

Or, again, ask him to speak like Neo in the Matrix, a role that made him famous all over the world. In short, there is something to have fun with.

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