WarioWare Move It: How to Unlock Pyoro W and Dirty Dishes Step by Step

In this WarioWare guide: Move it! We show you how to unlock the hidden levels “Pyoro W” (Classic mode in Legend) and “Dirty Dishes”.

The truth is, I really don’t want to leave the house when I have a cold. What’s better than working out while playing crazy mini-games?That’s what’s new with WarioWare: Move It! Exclusive to Nintendo Switch Available now.

Like previous Wario games, Move It! immerses us in Over 200 microgames (more accurate term) all types, but in all types we have to move the skeleton.

Needless to say, it’s completely insane, with lots of humor, all kinds of crap, and the whole essence of a Mario Bros. villain. If you liked the previous ones, you must buy them.

In this WarioWare guide: Move it!we tell you How to Unlock Hidden Levels, Pyoro W and Dirty Dishesinitially unplayable.

Piolo W

Warioware Move It Review

One of the most iconic miniatures games in the WarioWare saga, shown off in a different way in every installment. You no doubt recognize this unique bird, which serves as the final boss in Get It Together.

Pyoro W is the latest version, and it takes full advantage of Joy-Con’s capabilities Wario Software: Move it. Basically, it involves balancing the two halves of the island with our hands.

Part action, part protection. You must control Pyoro, Avoid enemies and protect flowerswhile preventing both halves from falling into the void.

Wario WarioWare Move it

How is it unlocked? so easy: Play all the microgames (over 200) content in the title.

Of course, this means you’ll have to repeat all levels of story mode, To unlock microgames for each characterget the required points.

After completing all the minigames in WarioWare: Move It!, you’ll unlock Pyoro W Mode, which is a minigame in itself.

dirty dishes

Wario Software: Go Mobile! Nintendo Switch - Multiplayer

We can say WarioWare: Move it! It lasts about 8 hours (if we go to pinion). When you complete all microgames, you will have access to Pyowo W mode.

But there is more work to be done.You can also unlock The last level, called “Dirty Dishes”which is essentially a Space Invaders shooter…but with dirty dishes instead of aliens.

Getting the dirty dishes mini-game is the most challenging achievement in the game because we have to Through three rounds of overtime, as. .and be known Infinite levels.

The first thing we need to do is start with the muscle microgames. You must achieve a score of 4400 (minimum)completely succeeding in imitating the poses we see on screen.

WarioWare Move It Analysis and Opinion Nintendo Switch

If you succeed, the first of three infinite levels will be unlocked.To beat it and unlock the second level (super hard) you have to Complete 30 mini-games in a single session On the first infinite level.

And get the third infinite level?one must Complete 20 mini-games in one go (on this difficulty). Now we are on the final level and we only have one life (if we fail, we die).

To unlock the dirty dishes level you must Complete 10 mini-games in one go on the highest difficulty (third infinite level). If you succeed, you’ll be able to get the “Space Invaders” dish.


Wario Software: Go Mobile! It is the latest title in the “Wario” series, exclusively for Nintendo Switch.your best asset is His use of Joy-Conwith a rich list of mini-games that you can enjoy alone or with others.

You are playing Wario Software: Mobile! “? If so, we recommend you check out these articles: Analysis of the latest Wario craze on Nintendo Switch, get these gifts by pre-ordering the game on GAME, or get a voice actor as Wario in the latest single-player game.

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