What a pandemic looked like that killed 40 million people: the virus that shocked the world in 1918

Early 1918Then, an unknown disease began to spread around the world. What seemed like an ordinary flu at first quickly turned into a devastating epidemic known as “the flu.” spanish flu. The disease has a huge impact on young people It went against the medical knowledge of the time and claimed the lives of 40 to 100 million people, making it One of the deadliest tragedies in history.

There is no doubt that the story of this serious pandemic is reminiscent of the recent Covid-19 flu. In this article, the story of a disease affecting the world is told.

spanish flu

It was a fast enemy because the Spanish Flu was characterized by rapid evolution. Within a few hours, patients may transition from a normal febrile state to fulminant pneumonia.Hypoxia, cyanosis and graying of the skin are the most terrifying symptoms. The disease does not discriminate: young, old, rich, poor, all are susceptible to it.

Unlike the current COVID-19 pandemic, the world in 1918 was not prepared to face a crisis of this magnitude.d. World War I dominated people’s attention, and censorship and poor communication made it difficult to understand the scope of the tragedy.. Lack of scientific knowledge and scarcity of medical resources limit treatment options.

spanish flu mask

millions of lives lost

Not only did the Spanish Flu cause massive deaths, it also had major social and economic impacts. Streets are deserted, businesses are closed and families are affected by the loss of loved ones. The pandemic has triggered fear, uncertainty and feelings of helplessness across society.

For a long time, the Spanish Flu was relegated to the background in historical memory.Its impact was not recognized until decades later However, the pandemic reminds us of the fragility of life and the importance of being prepared for future threats.

The Spanish Flu left behind a series of valuable lessons. The importance of international cooperation, investment in scientific research, transparent communication and implementation of preventive measures are fundamental to combating future epidemics. History reminds us that humanity is not immune to tragedies of this scale, and only through collective action and responsibility can we mitigate its impact.

This is not just a tragedy of numbers; But it’s a devastating human experience. The stories of those who survived, those who lost loved ones, and those on the front lines fighting the disease are testament to the horror and resilience of this period.

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