What are the benefits of sleeping with onions on your feet?

Putting onions in socks has become a popular remedy for treating the flu, colds and even controlling high blood pressure. How true is this? Let’s analyze it.

What are the benefits of sleeping with onions on your feet?What are the benefits of sleeping with onions on your feet?

latest update: March 15, 2024

Onions are one of the most commonly used foods when talking about home remedies. Among them, one that has recently become popular on social networks is to put a piece of onion on your feet overnight. reason? It has clear benefits for a variety of health problems, from the flu to high blood pressure.

Most often, these claims are based on personal experience or anecdotal evidence; so They are not supported by scientific work or such support. However, there are natural concerns about its possible effectiveness; especially if someone you know had a positive experience after using it. We conduct the analysis with the help of experts.

Why put onions on your feet?

In the popular realm, people believe that putting freshly sliced ​​onions in your socks and sleeping on them can bring health benefits. There are a variety of these methods, many of which are based on what is called foot reflexology.. This is a therapy that provides relief by applying varying degrees of pressure to specific points on the foot.

Generally speaking, people think that putting onions on their feet can help relieve the following symptoms:

  • Eliminate foot odor.
  • Improve blood circulation.
  • Strengthen the immune system.
  • Reduce cold and flu symptoms.
  • Treat or relieve coughs (especially in children).
  • Control sudden increases in blood pressure.
  • Help control sleep (or, if sleep cannot be controlled, treat insomnia).

There are other obvious benefits, including cleansing and detoxifying the body. According to its defenders, these latter effects are possible because of its ability to eliminate harmful substances.

As we have already warned, All of these benefits have only anecdotal support.. Many of the arguments in favor of it can only be found on the Internet and social networks, or, failing that, in (or influenced by) reflexology books. Now, what does science have to say about this?

Sleeping with Onions on Your Feet: Myths and Practical Realities

According to the National Onion Association (NOA), onions have been a part of daily life for thousands of years, a fact that has led to several myths. Most of them have good intentions, it’s impossible: Help relieve illness or health discomfort.

Regardless of the intentions, the fact is that there is no scientific basis for the claims about sleeping with onions on your feet. In fact, some terms are very vague, or use generic or informal terms that are not typical of medicine or the health sciences (such as cleanse or detoxification).

anyway, There is no evidence that placing a slice of onion on your feet while sleeping helps treat poor circulation, relieve flu symptoms, or lower blood pressure.. Therefore, onions are not a miracle product or a panacea that can be used to treat a variety of ailments.

Properties of onions and their uses in home remedies

Antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory…you’ve no doubt heard this and more about the benefits of onions. Indeed, science has discovered these properties, But the truth is, they are somewhat twisted when it comes to using them for this or that treatment..

This happens especially when talking about the topical or external use of food. For example, put an onion in a sock on your feet, or place it on your chest, the back of your neck, in your hair, or simply sleep with an onion nearby. These uses attempt to exploit the legitimate properties found within them, just in a different way than what science has confirmed.

That said, there is no denying the properties of onions or their positive effects on health. What happens is that these benefits are manifested in specific tasks, primarily through diet, and are supplemented by the implementation of healthy habits. Onions by themselves do not replace any medical treatment, nor do they cure disease..

The importance of consulting a doctor

It is best to consult a doctor first rather than seeking relief on your own. Self-medication is discouraged under any circumstances, especially when you choose to use home remedies. This is especially important for high-risk groups; i.e. children, pregnant women and the elderly.

On the Internet, a common claim is that putting onions and VapoRub on a child’s feet can help them overcome a cough. As we’ve already pointed out, there’s no evidence to support this claim, and the product isn’t even recommended for children under two years old.

In some cases, it can be life-threatening if you choose to use this treatment without consulting a specialist. This occurs, for example, when it is used to lower blood pressure. This type of case, whether it is a hypertensive emergency or hypertensive crisis, requires prompt medical treatment..

In short, putting onions on your feet before bed is not a substitute for consulting a doctor, doctor-prescribed treatments, or to treat or cure a health condition. Records of its effectiveness are anecdotal, as there is no scientific evidence to support these claims. If there are any changes in your health, it is best to consult your trusted doctor..

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