What are the effects of eating cassava for lunch on your heart?

Cassava, also known as cassava, is a widely consumed tuber, especially in Latin American countries. According to health portals, it contains high amounts of carbohydrates and also contains fiber that helps control glucose and cholesterol levels in the blood. Tua Saud.

In addition, it is a good source of resistant starch, a type of carbohydrate that acts as fiber and is good for improving digestion and helping to prevent constipation and other conditions such as gastritis.


Cassava is rich in starch and fiber. | Photo: Getty Images

Most notable is its potassium content (approximately 271 mg per 100 g). It also provides calcium (16 mg), iron (0.28 mg), magnesium (21 mg), phosphorus (28 mg) and trace elements such as zinc, selenium or copper (sources mentioned above).

its benefits for the heart

One of the health benefits of this tuber is that it protects heart health if consumed regularly. In this sense, this suggests that it is beneficial in regulating cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood and, due to its rich potassium content, helps in controlling blood pressure.

Regarding this topic, Tua Saud Make sure that this product contains a lot of fiber, these compounds reduce the absorption of fats from food and help reduce the above-mentioned lipids in the blood, especially bad cholesterol, so consuming this product within the framework of a balanced diet will help prevent the following Disease heart attack, atherosclerosis or stroke.

blood pressure

Cassava is rich in potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure. | Photo: Getty Images

Atherosclerosis is a common disease that occurs when a sticky substance called plaque builds up in the arteries. Doctors say the condition occurs when cholesterol, fat, blood cells and other substances in the blood form plaque, which, if built up, can lead to narrowing of the arteries. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

more kindness

Eating this tuber can help manage diabetes as it contains fiber and resistant starch, which slow down the absorption of sugar consumed from food, thus balancing blood sugar levels.

Diabetes is the fifth leading cause of death in Colombia among people aged 30 to 70 years.

Cassava helps regulate blood sugar levels. | Photo: Future Publishing (Getty Imag)

Likewise, it is also good for improving digestion as it contains resistant starch, which balances the gut flora, improves digestion and helps prevent conditions like gastritis and ulcers.

These same compounds, added to the fiber, make cassava an ideal food in a weight loss diet. It helps promote a feeling of fullness and reduces appetite throughout the day, thereby avoiding frequent eating, thereby aiding the weight loss process.

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