What are the most common diseases in winter? How to distinguish them?

Some elements are actually inseparable from the meaning of winter.Cold, hypothermia, January slopes, Christmas, gifts, Three Kings roses…and, if we talk about health, we must Let’s talk about the most common diseases in winter. This reality arrives on time every year, but we are always unable to face it or take steps to remedy it.

The reason why some diseases occur more frequently in winter is more obvious. Cold, increased concentration of people in enclosed spaces, increased coexistence, poor ventilation in homes and offices… There are many causes of certain illnesses during the winter..

However, before criminalizing the cold, it’s worth understanding that it does not, in and of itself, make us sick. What actually happens is that it makes it easier for certain pathogens, such as bacteria or viruses, to feel unnecessarily comfortable. So throw out the “getting sick because it’s cold” narrative, because the reality is that many colds or respiratory infections have to do with pathogens and not just lower temperatures.

In fact, the most common winter illnesses are sometimes accompanied by other types of unforeseen illnesses every year, as happened with the 2023 influenza A outbreak. However, in terms of the most common diseases in winter, the most common diseases, It is associated with classic illnesses such as the common cold or flu. However, as we’ll see below, they’re not the only conditions that make us miserable during these cold months.

Why are some diseases more common in winter?

Most of the reasons are valid Why diseases are more common in winter is related to the weather itself. It is clear that cold plays an important role in this spread. For example, the cold air we breathe during these months makes it easier for certain viruses to replicate in the nose.

Likewise, as the cold can be felt on the streets, people are spending more time congregating on public transport, at work or in smaller spaces. All of this means we are in poorly ventilated or poorly ventilated indoor spaces and have more direct contact with other people. Obviously, This facilitates the spread of any type of virus that affects the respiratory tract..

In addition, we must also understand the most common diseases in winter They have a certain connection with the sun. In winter, ultraviolet light (the light that reaches the Earth from the sun) is less intense, making it easier for viruses to survive.

Furthermore, it is also an obvious fact that we have a lot of mobility, which is why the virus moves more easily as well.If we add this to the everyday reality of most of the population living in large cities, sheltering in enclosed spaces, and moving frequently, we have The perfect breeding ground to learn why certain diseases are more common in winter.

What are the most common diseases in winter?

If we want to know about the most common winter diseases, there are two that are by far the most common. However, the first one so far is the common cold. On the other hand, the second one is the flu. Plus, we explained the difference between a cold and the flu to you way back on THE OBJECTIVE. Additionally, it is estimated that the average adult suffers from two to five colds per year. Minors, on the other hand, are between four and eight years old.

To avoid getting lost, let’s be clear that the common cold or catarrh is caused by a virus, which creates a certain inflammation in the throat and nose, leading to nasal congestion. In addition to the usual sneezing and runny nose, there are certain types of throat discomfort.. Additionally, it may be accompanied by eye irritation and sometimes fever, but not always in this common winter illness.

Thermometer shows fever, which is a symptom of influenza, one of the most common diseases in winter
High fever is one of the most common symptoms of the flu. ©Freepik.

In the case of the flu, it is always caused by another virus (influenza) and the symptoms are very similar to a cold, but Usually accompanied by high fever and muscle discomfort, which is not common in colds. From here we will discover other types of respiratory infections among which viruses are also the culprits of illnesses almost universally associated with winter. This does not mean that there are no infections of bacterial origin, but it does mean that the majority of them are viral.

A collection of “itis” and other respiratory infections

In this sense, what exists is a carousel This is. Depends on which part of the body will be affected (more specifically the respiratory system).For example, it is very common to certain infections, such as laryngitis and pharyngitis Make appearance state. In both cases, symptoms usually reduce to coughing, dryness, breathing problems, and noisy breathing.

Another classic example is bronchiolitis, a viral infection caused by bronchiolitis. lower respiratory tract inflammation The situation is particularly serious for young children, especially those under one year old. It can produce a very loud, rather annoying cough and respiratory problems that are exacerbated by the production of mucus. This element is often present in the most common winter illnesses.

In fact, a relatively simple way to identify the difference in this viral infection is to look for a bubbling or whistling sound when breathing. Therefore, it is also recommended that parents know the difference between bronchiolitis and a cold when talking to their children. In this second case, there is usually less difficulty breathing, In contrast to bronchiolitis, dyspnea is evident in bronchiolitis.

age-related diseases

man with sore throat
Sore throat is common with this type of respiratory infection. ©Freepik.

Finally, it’s worth mentioning two other common enemies of winter: Bronchitis and tonsillitis. In the first case, we are talking about a respiratory infection caused solely by a virus. Then, as the bronchial tubes narrow, it can lead to respiratory problems, fever, and bronchospasm.In addition, it also Very common and easily distinguished from other types of cough (Like a cold) Because the cough is a bronchial cough, that is, it comes from below and produces a more severe noise, which is not so obvious in a cold (pharyngeal) cough.

When it comes to tonsillitis, while we can talk about bacterial or viral origins, we don’t stop talking about throat infections. It also tends to relapse and produce pus in the tonsils and cause fever.. It is also accompanied by inflammation of that area of ​​the body, causing difficulty swallowing, swallowing, or speaking.

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