What does “Pov” mean, the expression used in Tik Tok videos

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That’s what it means povabbreviation used in many videos tik tak explain situations and Italian translation. The term first appeared several years ago.

What does POV mean?

pov i’m under interrogation” or “Pov you me during the day at work“. How many times this happens when scrolling the main page tik tak or Instagram to meet this acronym. But what does it mean? Pov means “point of view”. and is commonly used to describe situation according to one person who experienced it. It can be said that in the videos this takes on an almost reinforcing meaning and makes the viewer identify with “hero“.


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Growing use also among artists

Initially used by users for describe moments of everyday lifePov has also become common among artists and web personalities also express mood or situation. Just think about Dua Lipa who made the video “Don’t start now” on the technique pov.

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