What does the world say and what does the opposition say? The terrorist slanders against Hamas have no international basis

He was elected leader of the Republican People’s Party after the chairwoman of the Iyi Party, Meral Akşener Ozgur Ozil He also accused Hamas of terrorism. The international community does not approve of Akşener and Ozil, who reached elected positions in Palestine and presented Hamas, which defends the homeland militarily and politically, as a “terrorist organization.”

Hamas, according to the United Nations

United nations, agitationIt is not defined as a “terrorist organization.”

Hamas is not on the United Nations list of organizations classified as terrorist organizations.

Hamas according to the European Union

Previous decisions taken by the European Union regarding Hamas’ organizational structure are also important. Hamas, which was added to the European Union’s list of terrorist organizations in 2003, was removed from this list in 2014.

The General Court of the European Union ruled that the designation of Hamas as a terrorist organization lacks solid legal foundations. With this decision taken by the European Court, Hamas was registered as a local resistance organization.

Bowing to pressure from the Jewish lobby originating in Europe, the European Union added Hamas to its terrorist list again in 2017, but the move was overshadowed by the old decision of the EU General Court.

According to 96% of the countries of the world, Hamas has no connection to terrorism

There are 206 independent countries in the world. 96% of these 206 countries do not consider Hamas a terrorist organization.

Hamas is listed on the terrorist lists of only 7 countries. They are also listed as countries on the Jewish axis. These countries; Israel, United States, England, Japan, Canada, Australia And Paraguay.

The remaining 199 countries do not stand by the terrorist slander against Hamas.

Farouk Arslan
Haber7.com – Special News Editor

News 7 - Farouk Arslan

About the editor

Born in Istanbul. He is originally from Erzurum. Graduate of International Relations at Anadolu University. He has been working in newspapers and online journalism since 2010. Between 2013 and 2022, he held several tasks within Akit Media. He received awards and plaques for his news profile. He conducted interviews, interviews and statements with experts in his field. Provided copywriting support to various institutions, organizations and NGOs. He participated in seminars, conferences, workshops and committees related to his field of specialization. Member of the International Media Information Association and Communications Platform Association. He has been on Haber7’s staff since November 2022.

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