What foods should be included in your diet to relieve symptoms?

Gastritis is inflammation of the gastric mucosa in the stomach, causing Symptoms such as pain, nausea, or vomiting; Although no discomfort occurs in the early stages of the disease. Along with treatment, you can choose from the following home remedies: They help reduce bloating and restore stomach condition.

This disease has different causes, for example, some anti-inflammatory drugs non-steroidal, Excessive drinking or spicy food, stress the most important is, stomach infection caused by bacteria Helicobacter pylori.

This bacteria causes the stomach to produce more acid, helping it destroy food. Until, little by little, they destroy the protective layer and damage said organs.

Gastroenterologist Gustavo Castillo says symptoms of gastritis depend on the cause, but the most common are Upper abdominal pain or discomforteven if we just start eating, we feel full, lose appetite, lose weight, nausea or vomiting. The latter is more common in more severe forms of gastritis.

Home remedies for gastritis

Traditional gastritis treatment The key is to prevent the stomach from producing too much acid, enabling it to regenerate the protective barrier. If the cause is an intestinal infection, medications are recommended to eliminate the bacteria.

Beside this there is Home remedies to help relieve an upset stomach The causes of this disease are like including some fruits and vegetables in our diet and avoiding certain foods. Natural medicine and holistic health guided therapist María José Ovalle recommends adding the following foods to relieve symptoms and improve stomach health.

Chamomile or apazoate infusion

There are many plants that can help reduce stomach inflammation and relieve burning sensations. An infusion of chamomile, rosemary, apazoate, rue or ginger after meals will benefit stomach health.

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Add aloe vera to your meals

This plant can be combined with papaya to regenerate the gastric mucosa. It can be included in smoothies or as natural fruit.

Home remedies for gastritis
Aloe vera can be added to smoothies and is best taken on an empty stomach. (Free Press Photo: Toa Heftiba on Unsplash).

Papaya juice or pineapple juice

Papaya provides papain and pineapple provides bromeliads, which can relieve stomach pain and irritation.

Also Read | Benefits of Papaya: Its uses, properties and why it is recommended to eat it on an empty stomach

rice water

This treatment is popular for relieving upset stomachs beyond those associated with gastritis. It is prepared by adding one cup of uncooked rice to 4 ml of boiling water. Let it boil for 8 minutes and then remove from the heat. Filter water and drink it twice a day.

potato juice

Potato juice is a natural antacid, so it can reduce burning sensation and aid healing. Ideally take it on an empty stomach or in the afternoon.

Potato juice and gastritis
Potato juice should be taken twice a day, before main meals. (Free press photo: Peter Schad on Unsplash).

How is potato juice prepared? Three peeled raw potatoes and 150ml warm water. Place them on a grater and place them over the container. Water should be thrown away and should be consumed at least 30 minutes before eating.

Another way to prepare it is to blend the potatoes and then strain the liquid.

a banana a day

This fruit is beneficial to the stomach lining and helps heal gastric damage. Eat a banana every day and you will see better health results.

oatmeal for breakfast

Eating oats can help relieve stomach pain and cramps, and their fiber content aids digestion. It is recommended to eat it in the morning, although it is enough to include it in the meal.

Home remedies for gastritis
Oatmeal can be combined with fruit to enhance its properties. (Free press photo: Susan Wilkinson on Unsplash).

Choose cooked fruits and vegetables

Some fruits and vegetables can cause your stomach to produce more acid when eaten raw, so it is recommended to eat them after cooking. These are tomatoes, lettuce, broccoli, apples and pears.


Yogurt provides probiotics that are beneficial to the gastric mucosa, and in addition, lactobacilli inhibit bacterial colonization. Helicobacter pylori. The recommendation is natural yogurt, which can be supplemented with fruit.

Other probiotics that contribute to this cause are kombucha and kefir.

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