What foods to eat to relieve colds

While the best way to prevent colds is to maintain a healthy and varied diet, these common winter ailments are often difficult to avoid.

Also read: What is hypothermia: How to avoid the effects of the cold in winter

For this reason, experts recommend that if you have the flu, foods with antioxidant, antiviral and bactericidal effects should be included in the menu, that is, foods containing vitamins C, B and A, such as lemons, oranges, tangerines, kiwis, etc. Pomegranate.

Sigrid Pimentel, a nutritionist at the Jalisco State Secretariat of Health (SSJ), points out that ginger has these properties in addition to the phytochemicals it contains that help relieve respiratory diseases.

“Ginger is very important for resolving phlegm and clearing the respiratory tract; it can also relieve symptoms of congestion. Eat it raw or add 250 milligrams of it to hot water to make tea,” he points out.

Also read: Home Remedies That Effectively Fight Colds and Flu

The intake of different types of vegetables is also recommended during winter, such as immune-boosting mushrooms, broccoli and Brussels sprouts, which contain B vitamins, as well as beets and purslane.

Although the intake of vegetables is recommended in any presentation, nutritionists recommend eating them raw as they retain all their properties.

“If eaten raw, nutrients are retained. On the other hand, some nutrients in vegetables may be lost when you are exposed to high temperatures, which is why it is important to eat vegetables naturally,” he points out.

The expert reviewed the importance of drinking two liters of water per day; saying that fluid intake can be divided into plain water and juice.

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