What is Hepatitis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Hepatitis B and C are the leading causes of cirrhosis and liver cancer.

this hepatitis It is one of the most common diseases in the world and can be fatal. July 28th is commemoration world hepatitis daythat’s why in ME we explain to you what it is, its causes, symptoms and possible treatments.

Currently, according to the World Health Organization, 325 million people with hepatitis B or C, most common. Faced with this situation, the agency, with the approval of member states, embarked on an international campaign against the pathogen.

They estimate that more than 4 million deaths could be prevented by the end of the decade through vaccination, education, diagnostic and treatment campaigns.

Hepatitis is a cause of high mortality from diseases such as cancer or cirrhosis of the liver. In addition, it also leads to high morbidity in the population.

That’s why we must understand this pathogen and how to prevent, diagnose and treat it.

What is hepatitis?

The disease can appear in different ways, depending on which virus is contagious. In this case, there are 5 types: A, B, C, D and E. In most countries, B and C dominate.

Hepatitis usually causes liver inflammationaffect its normal operation.In more severe cases, it can also lead to Viral hepatitis (epidemic), liver cancer, cirrhosis, and even death.

What is your reason?

Unfortunately, hepatitis has Low recognition and diagnosis rates, which of course complicates the patient’s course. Therefore, one of the main points of the campaign against this pathogen is prevention.

One of the causes of hepatitis is liver damage Excessive alcohol consumption, drug overdose, hepatitis virus infection, liver immune response, and previous cases of fatty liver.

How is it contagious?

The type of transmission varies, depending on the virus. For example, viruses A and E can spread by: food or liquid contaminationafter exposure to the feces of an infected person.

In addition, E virus can also infect eating undercooked animals.

In the case of B and D, they are contagious in the following ways: touch bodily fluids of an infected person. In addition, C is also transmitted through the blood of infected people.

What are the symptoms?

Generally, people who are infected with hepatitis do not have any symptoms, or the symptoms are mild. However, the most severe cases can cause serious side effects.

For viruses A, B and C, they usually appear Diarrhea, nausea, fever, dark urine, malaise, and jaundice. If the disease develops over time, it may lead to cirrhosis of the liver. The combination of virus B and virus D can speed up this process.

By itself, type E generates Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, mild fever, joint pain, and rash. Also, in more complicated cases, it can cause jaundice, hepatomegaly, and acute liver failure.

How to treat it?

The main line of defense against hepatitis is vaccine, for all types except hepatitis C. Authorities are therefore calling for information and a vaccine against this pathogen, which could save lives.

In milder versions, no medical intervention is required.just one high fluid intake and a few days off.

In the most severe cases, some symptoms (such as fever or diarrhea) can be treated with medication.However, in the most severe cases it requires Hospitalization, may require surgery. If the liver is affected, organ transplant This is an option to address the disease.

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