What is it for?when is the best time to take it

The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans drank it during their empires. It has many healing properties.

this chamomile It is an herb that has been widely used in Greece, Egypt, and the Roman Empire since ancient times for its various healing properties. It belongs to the same family as sunflowers and daisies and is named for its apple-like scent.

Also known as chamomile, it became very popular in medieval times and even today chamomile tea is used as a reliever for different ailments because of its It has sedative, decongestant and anti-inflammatory properties. Plus, its antimicrobial abilities make it an excellent skin healer, according to a study by the University of Medical Sciences in Camagüey, Cuba.

Due to its sweet floral scent, one of the most common ways chamomile is consumed is as an infusion, but it is also used in extracts, drops, and even in cosmetics to formulate shampoos to lighten hair and in lotions and lotions. Creams to fight acne and reduce inflammation and skin irritation.

Chamomile Tea: What It Is Used For And The Best Time To Drink It

Chamomile tea: what it does and when is the best time to drink it. Chamomile tea can be brewed from dried flowers (photo) or directly from a tea bag.

Chamomile tea: what it does and when is the best time to drink it. Chamomile tea can be brewed from dried flowers (photo) or directly from a tea bag.

Chamomile tea has many medicinal uses and is a great aid to health.Has anti-inflammatory, digestive and antispasmodic properties Helps reduce symptoms of nausea, vomiting, gas and loss of appetite, In addition to preventing gastrointestinal problems such as gastritis and gastric ulcers, according to the Tua Saúde website.

Additionally, various scientific studies have shown that it contains apigenin, a natural compound with strong anxiolytic properties, which acts on the central nervous system to reduce stress and anxiety.

published in” US National Library of Medicine page The conclusion is Chamomile Extract Improving daily performance and sleep quality in older adults.

best time to take

Chamomile tea: what it does and when is the best time to drink it. Chamomile plants belong to the same family as sunflowers and daisies.  / Photo: Shutterstock.

Chamomile tea: what it does and when is the best time to drink it. Chamomile plants belong to the same family as sunflowers and daisies. / Photo: Shutterstock.

According to the website better healthfrom the Spanish newspaper master, chamomile Provides quercetin, a plant pigment, to control blood sugar after meals. By slowing down the intestinal absorption of glucose, this phytonutrient allows the body to more fully metabolize what we eat and also helps reduce heavy digestion.

Its digestive and anti-inflammatory properties, combined with its anti-stress and sedative properties, Making chamomile tea an ideal drink for supplemental treatment of insomnia. According to popular usage, drinking a glass before going to bed at night can help you get a better rest.

How to Prepare Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea: what it does and when is the best time to drink it. how to prepare.  / Photo: Shutterstock.

Chamomile tea: what it does and when is the best time to drink it. how to prepare. / Photo: Shutterstock.

We’re here to give you a simple recipe to have this healing infusion on hand at home:

raw material

  • 2 teaspoons dried chamomile flowers.
  • 250cc of water.
  • 1/2 lemon wedge (to taste)


  • Heat the water in the container.
  • Before boiling, add dried flowers.
  • Let stand for five minutes.
  • Strain and sweeten.
  • Bonus track: To relieve pain or irritation in the throat, chamomile tea Sweeten it with a teaspoon of honey, which has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

when is taboo

Chamomile tea: Contraindicated when taking anticoagulants. Pregnant women should consult a physician. PhotoShutterstock.

Chamomile tea: Contraindicated when taking anticoagulants. Pregnant women should consult a physician. PhotoShutterstock.

For most people, consumption chamomile tea No adverse effects are expected. However, if an allergic reaction occurs Discontinue use immediately if symptoms such as rash, sore throat, or difficulty breathing occur.

Chamomile is also not recommended for those who are undergoing treatment Anticoagulants Reportedly, because the herb contains natural anti-clotting compounds that enhance the effects of medications Mayo Clinic website.

If pregnant, it is recommended to consult a private physician.

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