what is it? If you see it in your home, why worry?

Silverfish: If you see this insect in your home, why should you worry?

Infestation of the disease has increased in recent years silver minnowA swift insect whose name is derived from the metallic gray sheen on its body. Knowing more about the species, its cycles and its lifestyle can make our treatments more successful.


Scientifically known as Lepisma saccharina, it is between 10 and 15 mm long, Their activities are mainly nocturnal. It lives in spaces with high humidity such as bathrooms and toilets. It’s more annoying than harmful, although sometimes it can damage food and can cause more problems, such as the appearance of mites or new insects.. So, you have to look for quick solutions to end them.

It is found almost exclusively in buildings, requires a minimum temperature of 20° to grow, and can live up to seven to eight years. Silverfish are fast runners and are good climbers. They can travel long distances in search of food, and when they find food, they come close. They spend most of their time hiding within or between food sources.

whitebait need very little food. Especially carbohydrates and proteins like glue, wallpaper, paint, clothing, books, spilled food or dead insects. As a precaution, it is important to check for food residues, store them in airtight containers, and reduce humidity and repair plumbing leaks that cause high humidity. To check properly, it is essential to verify food marks, stains, limescale, or feces, paying special attention to bedrooms, bathrooms, attics, ceilings, garages, or insulation.

There are surveillance traps for silverfish on the market, although there are Can be self-made. For this we must use glass or terrariums and wrap the outside with washi tape. We can put a piece of bread at the bottom of the glass. The silver minnows will go up, but can’t come out again because the glass is too slippery. It is best to set traps at night when they are most active.

You might be wondering…if I already have it at home, What do I need to do to remove it? It is essential that the spaces in the house where the “silverfish” appear are well and continuously ventilated. Avoid being prompted to “stay” for too long once it appears.

Remedies to Avoid Pests in Your Home

  • Check the house for continuous ventilation

  • Avoid moisture, especially in the bathroom.If you just got out of the shower, open the doors and windows

  • Seal cracks in tile floors with cement instead of silicone (they’ll eat it, good for food)

  • Disinfect with bleach or water and ammonia

  • Spray the area where the insects were found with ethanol

  • Use boric acid on joints (be careful with this product if you have pets)

  • Diatomaceous Earth: spread this around the area, when the insect approaches it, the diatomaceous earth dries up, killing it

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