what is lyme disease?

Bella Hadid returned to Instagram after a long social media hiatus, celebrated by fans and Gigi Hadid’s sister. Forced absence: 26-year-old model really had to go through an intensive period of treatment Lyme diseasea disorder he has been suffering from since 2012 and is also diagnosed in fyounger brother Anwar Hadid and mother Yolanda Hadid. Bella herself is updating fans on the state of her health with a post accompanied by many photos of her during treatment and the reports themselves. “I’m fine and you have nothing to worry about,” the model wrote on Instagram in a lengthy post about her health.

For years Bella Hadid struggles with Lyme disease: in fact, in the caption, the model thanked those who helped her, from mom to doctors. “Being so sad and sick despite the luck/privilege/opportunity and love around me has been the most alienating experience of my life. (…) I would not change anything: if I had to go through all this to get here, I would do it again. Words that testify to the strength of a supermodel, but which cannot hide the difficulty of fighting Lyme disease, which can be seen from the tired and exhausted face of Bella Hadid in the photographs. However, the model says she is proud of herself: “The little me who suffered would be proud of myself as an adult. for never giving up“.

Lyme disease, what does Bella Hadid suffer from?

called Lyme borreliosis and owes its name to the American city of the same name, in which the first case of the disease was described in 1975. bacterial originmainly affects the skin, joints, nervous system and internal organs. It can present with severe, persistent symptoms and, if left untreated, takes a chronic course“. A pathogenic agent, a bacterium, causes it Borrelia, which is transmitted to humans through a bite few mints. The first symptom of Lyme disease is a red, bull’s-eye rash that spreads slowly. However, unfortunately, the disease can quickly worsen: according to MSD, the leading American multinational corporation in the pharmaceutical sector, within a few weeks early neurological disorders (myalgias, migratory arthralgias, meningitis, myocarditis), which can last for months or become chronicbut a flu-like syndrome with malaise, fatigue, fever, and headache may also occur. The last stage of the disease, occurring months or years after infection, can lead to arthritis, joint pain, malaise, skin lesions and chronic disorders of the central nervous system. Consequences requiring immediate medical attention to start treatment antibiotic treatment. Unfortunately, in fact, laboratory tests can not always rule out or confirm the disease.

How do you get Lyme disease?

The bacterium responsible for Lyme disease transmitted through tick bite infected, which can be found on animals (rodents, hares, deer and birds). It is for this reason that it is important to be careful in the countryside or when walking in the mountains, where it is easier for you to be stung by a tick that may remain attached to the skin or detach (so it is not always easy to act promptly). Completely painless, I tick bites they leave a light but highly visible red mark. L’erythema migrans typical of Lyme disease, it actually appears at an early stage, and for this very reason it is a signal that cannot be ignored and should be reported to the doctor immediately in order to establish the best therapy to counteract the onset of the disease.

    Headshot of Beatrice Zocchi

    A beauty addict by nature, I have made finding the perfect skincare my mission. I love finding new trends, but don’t ask me to dye my hair. Never underestimate the power of beauty: the right lipstick can change your day.

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