What is Nipah virus and its symptoms?

According to The Guardian, Indian authorities have conducted mass testing to Stopping the spread of deadly Nipah viruswhich has resulted in deaths in Kerala.

Furthermore, it is shown that this Region’s fourth outbreak since 2018which has led to restrictions on some public gatherings and even the closure of some schools.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Nipah virus has mortality rate That “change” 40% to 75% of cases. “

The World Health Organization states that this is a Virus zoonoticthat is, it is spread by animals (like a bat or a pig) to the peoplealthough it can also happen between people and contaminated food.

This confirms that Nipah virus causes disease Serious to both animals and humanswho will die from it.

According to the entity, There is no treatment or vaccine Faced with this virus, so, To treat it, only supportive measures are used.

Check out what the symptoms of Nipah virus are. Reference photos.

According to the World Health Organization, symptoms of Nipah virus can manifest in different ways as it can be asymptomatic and “causing Acute respiratory illness (mild or severe) or fatal encephalitis. “

Therefore, it is important to note that infected individuals initially present Flu symptoms such as fever, headache, vomiting, muscle aches and sore throat.

However, the above can also be accompanied by Dizziness, drowsiness, changes in consciousness, also”Neurologic signs suggestive of acute encephalitis.

However, some people can achieve “Have SARS and severe respiratory illness“, that’s it, in In serious cases, “Appear Encephalitis and seizuresThat “They will fall into a coma within 24 to 48 hours.”

In addition, it is also shown that The incubation period of Nipah virus is 4 to 14 daysalthough in some cases this has become Maximum 45 days.

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