What is noni, what are its benefits and how should it be consumed?

The noni plant brings us a delicate fruit full of healthy properties. Get an up-close look at the natural wonders nature has to offer. – (Illustrative image Infobae)

he Noni fruit Is a plant native to southeast asia In the central and southern parts of the American continent, Mexico.On the territory of Mexico, the state in which it is produced is Guerrero, Nayarit, Jalisco, Veracruz and Michoacan.

It is also known as wild soursop, devil fruit, paradise fruit or Indian blackberry.Although its scientific name is Morinda citrifolia.

This is a fruit with unusual characteristics: the shell is covered with small bumpy, Opaque yellow or white pulp and gel-like appearance, there are many brown seeds.Its taste and smell are also not uncommon as it is bitter and have a foul smell.

However, although the taste of its pulp may be unpleasant to many, it has health benefits This makes it a recommended food.

The plant is native to Southeast Asia and is grown in at least six states in Mexico (Illustration Infobae)

Noni contains Scopolamine, alkaloids and sterols. In addition to being an antioxidant, consuming it can relieve pain caused by: arthritis and control diabetesBased on information collected by the Agri-Food and Fisheries Information Service (SIAP).

In addition, the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) points out in the infographic that the scopolamine found in noni also helps fight arterial hypertension This is useful in the following situations gastritisbecause it facilitates the digestion and absorption of ingredients.

Likewise, researchers found that it has properties that stimulate T-cell activity. immune systemaccording to an article published by Vastkajdargense University of Technology.

The same article states that Noni supplies the body with Xeronine originalthe component that cells convert into Xeroninean alkaloid that in turn can help people cancer Feel better as it helps regulate cell function.

Noni has a bitter taste, which not everyone likes. – (Illustrative image Infobae)

Besides, it is a fruit, Low sugar content what’s wrong with it Protein, iron, vitamins, calcium and zinc.

In traditional Polynesian medicine, it has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antitumor, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, and immune-stimulating properties. However, there is insufficient information to prove that this is the case.

According to SIAP, the most common way noni is consumed is in jUgoalthough some also utilize plant leaves, flowers, bark and roots.

Since its pulp is bitter, you can mix it with other products to make juice, e.g. mango waves Grape And take it in the morning.

Noni is commonly consumed in juice – (Illustration Infobae)

It is important to consider that despite the beneficial health properties of noni fruit, its consumption is not recommended for people with the following characteristics:

– and kidney problems.

– and liver problems.

– period Pregnancy and lactation.

It should also be taken into consideration that there are deceptive products on the market that give noni its extraordinary benefits.one of them is NoligaIt is said to be a mixture of Tahitian noni powder juice, pineapple juice and grape juice.

In January 2022, the Federal Council for Protection against Health Risks (Kaufipli) warns Noni Gia as it is attributed to Illegal properties such as preventing cancer, fighting allergies, and healing wounds.

Cofepris explains that there are no studies to guarantee its safety and quality and shows that distributor BHIP GLOBAL DE MÉXICO SA DE CV does not comply with health legislation regarding the marketing and advertising of its products. In this sense, he reported that it could pose a health risk.

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