What is pharyngitis and how is it treated?

this Chronic pharyngitis is cured? Among upper respiratory tract infections, pharyngitis, or inflammation of the pharynx, is one of the most common conditions seen in medical consultations.

Inflammation in the back of the throat (between the larynx and tonsils) can cause uncomfortable symptoms; these include sore throat, coughing, throat clearing or dryness, irritation, fever, and difficulty swallowing.

However, not all of these symptoms occur. In fact, it is possible to have pharyngitis without having a fever, which often makes diagnosis difficult.

In this article, you’ll learn about pharyngitis, how to treat it, and when not to delay care from a health professional.

Is there a treatment for chronic pharyngitis?

Pharyngitis can be acute or chronic, depending on the duration of symptoms and the origin of the condition.

Acute pharyngitis is usually caused by a virus or due to bacterial infection, especially strep throat. It can last several days and be caused by other factors such as influenza, mumps, or Epstein-Barr virus (mononucleosis). According to the Clinical University of Navarra, 80 to 90 percent of pharyngitis in children and adults is caused by viruses.

Unlike acute pharyngitis, chronic pharyngitis does not have an infectious component. This is an inflammation of the pharynx that lasts for more than three months.This may lead patients to wonder whether Chronic pharyngitis is cured Or it’s a condition that’s difficult to treat.

But what causes it?

Chronic pharyngitis can be caused by allergies or irritant conditions caused by smoking or regular exposure to polluted, very cold or smoky environments.

Additionally, people with gastroesophageal reflux may develop chronic pharyngitis due to irritation caused by stomach acid refluxing into the throat.

Treatment of chronic pharyngitis depends on its cause. In some cases it may be enough:

  • Avoid direct or close contact with irritating substances;
  • Drink plenty of water during the day;
  • Improve oral and nasal hygiene;
  • And place a humidifier or evaporator in your home.

Your healthcare provider may prescribe medications such as anti-inflammatory or antihistamines, and in severe cases, surgery may be needed to remove the tonsils or inflamed tissue.

Symptoms associated with pharyngitis

These are the most common symptoms that may reveal pharyngitis:

  • sore throat
  • Redness and swelling of the pharynx
  • A foreign body or burning sensation in the throat
  • Difficulty or pain swallowing
  • Dry cough or phlegm
  • Hoarseness or loss of voice
  • Fever, chills, and general malaise

Always talk to your doctor if you have a sore throat for more than a week or if you experience other warning signs: difficulty breathing, bleeding, swollen glands, or weight loss.

Other symptoms that cause concern are strep throat. The American Academy of Pediatrics warns that this is the most common type of group A strep infection and is a form of acute pharyngitis that is common in children and adolescents. Its common symptoms are fever and sore throat without cough or runny nose.

How to prevent it?

Pharyngitis is preventable. In Spain alone, cases of strep throat or tonsillitis fell to 78,265 in 2021, the lowest number since 2011.

Among our recommendations for reducing the appearance or worsening of pharyngitis, we have:

  • Wash your hands often.
  • Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Don’t expose yourself to irritants or allergy triggering substances.
  • Stay in a well-ventilated area with good air humidity.
  • Do not share cutlery, glasses or other personal items.
  • Follow a healthy, balanced diet that includes foods rich in vitamin C.

The Spanish Association of Otolaryngology recommends considering the following additional techniques to reduce the onset of pharyngitis or laryngitis:

  • Avoid exposing yourself to sudden changes in temperature.
  • Use air conditioning correctly in summer and do not adjust the temperature below 23 or 24°C.
  • Don’t stand in front of your car’s air conditioner.
  • Be careful with extremely cold or hot drinks as they can affect the pharyngeal mucosa.
  • Rehydrate frequently with water and fluids, especially if conditions are very dry.
  • Do not stay in polluted or dusty environments. They may accumulate viruses and bacteria.
  • Stay away from spaces where cigarette or tobacco smoke is present.

Home remedies for treating pharyngitis

In addition to medication and the suggestions above, there are treatments that can help relieve the symptoms of pharyngitis.

  1. In pharmacies you can find candies, sprays, pills or mouthwashes with soothing, antiseptic or anesthetic properties.
  2. Applying warm compresses around the neck may relieve pain.
  3. Gargling with warm water and some dissolved salt or baking soda can relieve sore throats.

this Chronic pharyngitis is cured If a trigger is identified. With acute pharyngitis, it’s important to treat the virus or bacteria causing it.

Please consult a health professional for a personalized diagnosis and do not self-medicate!

Although Apoteka may contain statements, data or notes from health agencies or professionals, the information contained in Apoteka is compiled and prepared by journalists. Readers are advised to consult a healthcare professional with any health-related questions.

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