What is whooping cough, symptoms and how to tell the difference between whooping cough and a cold

The outbreak in Guadalajara, which has affected 124 people, focuses attention on whooping cough, a disease that has increased in our country in recent years following the coronavirus pandemic.

what is whooping cough

Whooping cough is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by bacteria Bordetella pertussis This only affects humans.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this bacteria attaches itself to the upper respiratory tract. Cause respiratory inflammation Due to the production of toxins.

Who gets whooping cough?

Although anyone can get it,Frequent cases of infection among children and adolescents, usually from their family members or caregivers.you must have one special care for babieswhere symptoms of whooping cough can be dangerous and life-threatening.

How does a person get whooping cough?

spread of disease occurs Spread through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes and expels bacteria through these particles in the process.

“The virus can also spread when people spend a lot of time together or share breathing space, such as holding a newborn baby close to their chest,” the CDC said.

Whooping Cough Symptoms

  1. According to the CDC, there are two stages of symptoms:
  2. The first stage lasts one to two weeks, during which symptoms are a runny nose, occasional cough, and mild fever.
  3. Stage 2 is characterized by a severe, rapid, and uncontrollable cough that lasts from one to six weeks, but may last up to 10 weeks in the worst cases. In these cases, vomiting and/or exhaustion may occur as a result of the attack, also known as paroxysmal seizures.

How to differentiate between whooping cough and cold

The CDC recognizes that “whooping cough can start like the common cold,” so it can sometimes be confused with a cold because the initial symptoms are the same.

The Autonomous Community of Madrid notes on its website that the key to distinguishing a cold from whooping cough is the duration of the second cough, which is longer, and the typical cough that lasts for weeks: “Unlike the common cold, whooping cough can cause a cough that lasts for weeks. Weeks , including several severe coughs in a row sometimes ends with a “cat moan”a characteristic deep and prolonged inhalation that occurs when the lungs are depleted of air, giving the disease its name: “whooping cough.”

How to treat whooping cough

The main weapon against whooping cough is a vaccine, which relieves symptoms of the disease after infection and reduces contagion, but in addition to vaccination, antibiotic treatment is also necessary. Additionally, it is recommended:

  • Keep your home as free of smoke, dust or chemical irritants as possible.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Use a cool mist humidifier to help drain mucus.
  • Eat every few hours to prevent vomiting.
  • Eat liquids and fruits to avoid dehydration.
  • Do not take cough medicine unless advised by your doctor.

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