What Makes Us Happy: A Weekend Watching and Listening Guide

This week, the Hollywood labor situation wasn’t as close to being resolved as we might have hoped, Netflix decided to go into the opposite business of what it’s in, and Taylor Swift showed up ahead of schedule.

Here’s what NPR says Pop Culture Happy Hour What the crew paid attention to – and what you should watch this weekend.

Two set violin

TwoSet Violin is a comedy duo dedicated to classical music. These are two Australian violinists, Brett Young and Eddie Chen, who do little skits and problems – like absolute pitch problems or play very heavy solo and orchestral repertoire and make fun of each other. They make sketches about what it’s like to be in an orchestra. It’s 1000% super cheesy but super fun, especially if you come from the classical music world or have ever played in an orchestra. TwoSet Violin is currently on tour – I saw them perform live at the Symphony Center in Chicago and they were amazing. They played very, very heavy violin repertoire while hula-hooping and blindfolded. If you can’t see them live, I would recommend checking out their YouTube channel. Weilin Wong

“2 Die 4” by Addison Rae featuring Charli XCX

“2 Die 4” by Addison Rae featuring Charli XCX is officially my song of the summer. Not only because it’s bop dot com, but also because it came from such an unexpected place for me. The song’s journey is that Addison Rae is, yes, a TikTok dancer, yes, a leading role in He is all this(That This is what she’s all about Netflix reboot) – in 2021, she seemed to be starting a four-quadrant career as a pop star, movie star, Hollywood. She was just constantly in front of our eyes. And her debut single “Obsessed” was not well received. Fast forward to the summer of 2023, she releases a four-song EP called AR. And you know what, guys? It’s just killing. I would love to see more of Addison Rae. Candice Lim

Moonlighting, now streaming on Hulu

Сериал <em>Moonlight</em> starring Cybill Shepherd and Bruce Willis is now streaming on Hulu.” srcset=”https://npr.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/492b1fa/2147483647/strip/true/crop/1387×626+0+0/resize/ 1760×794!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.npr.org%2Fassets%2Fimg%2F2023%2F10%2F12%2Fmoonlighting-copy_custom-81b93cdbedaa75279b497da7c62ccb7acd90d60a.jpg 2x” width =”880″ height=”397 ” src=”https://npr.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/31dd26f/2147483647/strip/true/crop/1387×626+0+0/resize/880×397!/quality/90/?url=https%3A% 2F%2Fmedia.npr.org%2Fassets%2Fimg%2F2023%2F10%2F12%2Fmoonlighting-copy_custom-81b93cdbedaa75279b497da7c62ccb7acd90d60a.jpg” loading=”lazy” bad-src=” ZyB4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMC9zdmciIHZlcnNpb249IjEuMSIgaGVpZ2h0PSIzOTdweCIgd2lkdGg9Ijg4MHB4Ij48L3N2Zz4=”/ ></p>
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part-time job, starring Cybill Shepherd and Bruce Willis is now streaming on Hulu.

part time job — currently streaming on Hulu — is a detective-comedy drama series that aired from 1985 to 1989. Bruce Willis was practically a nobody at the time and appeared on the show with Cybill Shepherd, who was very famous. She plays a model. He plays a guy who runs a ragtag detective agency whose goal is to get her money in the form of a tax write-off. She is having tough financial times and is facing the closure of her detective agency. Instead, he sort of cajoles and cajoles her into becoming partners.

This show had such an impact on me because of its humorous banter. They have these one-off episodes that are really funny and weird: there was a whole episode written in the style of Shakespeare. There is a whole sequence in the style of an old black and white film with an introduction by Orson Welles. It was a show that was really inventive and different and weird. Linda Holmes

Hotel Royal is now in cinemas

Royal Hotel, Directed by Kitty Green, it stars Julia Garner and Jessica Henwick as two young women on holiday in Australia. They spend all their money and are forced to find work at a local bar in this remote mining town in order to continue their holiday. This bar is a nightmare for women – the men are always drunk, boastful and flirting. Slowly but surely the situation becomes more tense and dangerous. I don’t know how justified the ending is, but I think overall it was really fun to watch. This made me uncomfortable in many ways. Aisha Harris

More recommendations from the Pop Culture Happy Hour newsletter

Linda Holmes

I Can’t Lie – Golden Bachelor it’s more charming than I expected. Jerry, a 72-year-old widower, seems very sincere and more than a little dorky, and most of the women who want to date him seem nice and sincere. While there’s a lot of talk about finding love later in life, there aren’t as many jokes about “broken hips” or “early bird specials” as I feared. We talk about it a little bit in the show, but honestly, I love it.

Most Popular Novel Chemistry lessons is now an Apple TV+ series starring Brie Larson. The story of Elizabeth Zott, a 1950s and ’60s scientist who becomes a cooking show host, has its ups and downs, but Larson is charming and the series is, for lack of a better word, somewhat comforting.

My childhood baseball team was Philadelphia Phillies, who, as you read this, are heading to the National League Championship Series against the Arizona Diamondbacks. If they win this series, they will end up with either the Houston Astros or Texas Rangers in the World Series. The Phillies in many eras had a hint of the Beer League in their scraggly beards, unkempt hair, and a friend of mine once insisted on an unrivaled penchant for staining his shirts with tobacco juice. On that note, Kelsey McKinney wrote a very funny and well-thought-out piece for The Defector about their tendency to “show their collarbones” in unbuttoned shirts, and I highly recommend it. Go Phils!

Beth Noviadapted the pop culture happy hour segment “What Makes Us Happy” for the web. If you like these suggestions, consider subscribe to our newsletter to receive recommendations every week. And listen to Pop Culture Happy Hour on Apple Podcasts And Spotify.

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