What Mona Jiménez’s family says about the musician’s health

La Mona Jiménez at the 2019 Lollapalooza in Argentina (Soler, China)

health during wednesday carlos monkey Jimenez He has been rushed since dawn to the exemplary cardiology institute in the capital city of Córdoba.They learned from the artist’s environment “He was eating, he felt dizzy and his mouth was twisted” It turns out he may have had a stroke.What is known is that the idol of the quartet is in the intensive care unit

Although the quartet’s children have not posted information on social networks so far, his daughter Natalie He spoke to La Voz del Interior and assured the musician to go to the hospital “to be checked”.

“It’s nothing serious, maybe tonight they’ll fire him. If it was serious, I wouldn’t be here,” added the girl, who was at the entrance of the medical center when the media approached her. However, Ramona will be hospitalized for monitoring and will be released when she is out of danger.

Mona Jiménez’s daughter Natalia sent her dad a message after surgery in August (Instagram)

Judging by the home environment of the Cordoba idol, they ask fans and followers to be cautious and calm. They also noted that a medical report on the state of health could be due in the next few hours. monkey.

Notably, the leader of the quartet underwent emergency surgery earlier this month for severe abdominal pain. At the time, the news got a lot of attention from his fans until the hospital where he was hospitalized released some pictures of the artist.

At the time, his daughter Natalia posted a story on her social networks where you can see some pictures with the caption: “let’s dance, dadAt that moment, we could see how the composer of hits like “El bum bum” and “El Federal” let go of his daughter’s hand and moved her hand, revealing the palm and back, recreating his famous works. dance This is already a registered trademark.

She then added another photo of her father with a touching message: “You are an oak, my old man, You have so many little angels watching over you everywhere. He posted the post with joy, and immediately received likes and encouragement for the musician. “Dear Mona, we are all praying for you. We love you old man! ! ! “, “Long live my emperor”, “Come on, Jimenez, the strength is with you”, come on, little monkey, you have brightened my life since I was a child, I love you, Mona. Immediately after news of the hospitalization, her admirers poured out words of support for her. They had follow-up surgery on her in early August.

Mona Jiménez’s daughter Lorena posted a photo (Instagram) with the singer after undergoing surgery in early August

Meanwhile, his other daughter, Lorraine Jimenez, He described how he found out about his father’s health problems via social media. “I was at a school meeting and alarm bells were going off. I’m gone, I’m here, I’m good to see you, gastroenteritis’, the singer began to write. Then he continued: ‘I know, acute gastritis can pop up and ruin you. But things are not that simple, time will help us! Life drives you, we take out the broken glass. Cheers and thanks for making it to Pachamama today. I love you! ’ he said to his father in emotive words.

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