What should I do if I am bitten by a bedbug?Here’s How to Cure Hives

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Maybe at some point in your life you’ve met someone who’s been bitten by a bedbug, or you’ve had that bad luck yourself while staying in a hotel, so maybe you’d like to know What if they bite you?We tell you how to treat hives.

And these insects are not easy to spot due to their small size, as they hide during the day in beds, armchairs, crevices of chairs, curtains, closets, behind wallpaper, etc.

Dr. Michelle F. Porter, professor emeritus in the Department of Entomology at the University of Kentucky, told CNN that hotels and other types of accommodations are a major source of bedbug spread.

One of the things to avoid when staying at these establishments is not to leave your suitcase or backpack on the ground or in a corner, preferably on a raised surface.

What happens if you get bitten by bedbugs and how to treat their bites?

When a bed bug bites you, you will leave a scar that is red, itchy spots that look a lot like mosquito spotsbut don’t worry because they don’t spread germs or disease, says Children’s Health.

Although itching may keep you from sleeping If you scratch too often, it could lead to a skin infection; some people may even experience an allergic reaction, according to CNN.

You can also develop impetigo (a bacterial infection) and, less commonly, cellulite; if you develop an infection, it is advisable to see your doctor so he can recommend the appropriate treatment.

Sometimes the bites are lined up, usually on parts of the skin that we expose when we sleep, but to know if that little insect has bitten you, you have to find it or see signs of it, such as Mattress with black spots, peeling skin and red spots.

loophole. Credit: Pixabay

If you think a bedbug has bitten you, it is recommended wash the bite with soap and water To relieve itching, you can use calamine lotion or an anti-itch cream (such as hydrocortisone 1 percent) or apply a cold compress.

If the itching is too intense, it is advisable to see a specialist and prescribe ointments or medicines.

How can I prevent bed bugs at home or on the go?

Bedbug infestations are common in homes, so To avoid them, the following measures are recommended:

  • Check out used furniture purchases.
  • Cover the mattress with a plastic protective cover.
  • Reduce clutter in your home.
  • If you go to a hotel, check the mattress and the back of the bed.
  • If you live elsewhere, hang your clothes up instead of putting them in drawers.
  • After your trip, check your luggage for signs of insects; wash your clothes in hot water and dry them, or store them in an airtight bag until you can wash them.

Remember that the presence of bed bugs does not mean the home is dirty, as they can live anywhere as long as there is food.

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