When a cough stops being a symptom and becomes a disease

Cough that lasts for more than eight weekscalled cough chronicleaffecting approximately 5.5% of population in Spain. This type of cough is different from a common cold cough and may cause health problems in the following areas: Respiratory diseases.

Medical experts believe that persistent coughing requires medical care. In fact, starting in 2024, drug Specific treatments may require a prescription from a health care provider.

People with such cough symptoms must go to the hospital for treatment family doctor Be the subject of preliminary research.If it persists, go to Pulmonologist A more detailed analysis was conducted to determine its origin.

Assessments vary based on the patient’s age.possible allergy, rhinitis anyone asthma In younger patients, whereas in older adults it is associated with RefluxGastroesophageal or ingest antihypertensive drugs.

Common causes of this cough include smokes and related diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), especially chronic bronchitis.

COVID-19 is also a Post-infectious causes Frequent chronic cough. Some people continue to cough more than eight weeks after infection for the following reasons: Virus persistsalthough they are not contagious to other people.

This cough has a significant impact on patients’ quality of life and their home environment, making the lack of awareness of this issue concerning.In this sense, the evolution of drug development is key, e.g. Antagonist of P2X3 receiverIt has been recognized in recent years as a possible solution to chronic cough, raising hope for improving its treatment and reducing its impact on the quality of life of those affected.

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