When attention arrives in just four seconds

Fermín, Beti On user, Leire Támara, community coordinator.

Fermín, Beti On user, Leire Támara, community coordinator.

In an increasingly aging society, being able to stay at home and access necessary care in an emergency is a peace of mind for both service users and their families.In Basqueti this is possible thanks to Beti On, the Basque government’s public telecare service. Attention is provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with staff specially prepared to respond to emergencies or social needs.

The user is such a person Fermín, 88, widowed, living alone. Around his neck was a medal with a button that he pressed twice: once because of pneumonia and the other because of a sprain. In both cases, Betty Ann immediately arranged appropriate medical appointments and dispatched an ambulance to their home. But Beti On’s focus goes far beyond that, as Onda Vasca and community coordinator Txema Gutiérrez Leire Támara told us: from contacting users to find out about their situation, to calling them to remind them when they should go to the clinic for an appointment.

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