When is the best time to drink beer and when is the best time to drink wine?

written in lifestyle he

drink beer I coming In moderation, it is not only healthy, but also can be used as a food match, but is there a specific consumption time?Different studies have identified the best time of day to consume these foods alcoholic beverages…and even avoid weight gain.

These days it is common to have a glass of wine or beer in the evening or even at dawn, although Both drinks are associated with mealtimes, especially toast According to records, these performances were performed in honor of the generals of the Roman army as a token of gratitude. vanguard.

What time of day is best to drink beer?

The best time of day to drink beer is dawn…although it may seem most inappropriate and even contradictory, the consumption and correct absorption of alcoholic beverages, in addition to avoiding side effects such as weight, is also associated with circadian rhythms (physical, mental and behavioral changes over a 24-hour period). get.

Northwestern University Chicago scholar Joseph Bass asserts Circadian rhythm linked to alcohol consumption, so ingesting it at night can affect people’s sleep-wake cycle. Drinking a glass of beer in the morning or afternoon can improve digestion of this drink.

When is the best time to drink wine?

A study published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine According to reports, a glass of wine a day, dining time In moderation it can provide a variety of health benefits, including: improved cardiovascular health, lower cholesterol levels, increased endorphin levels, and a sense of well-being.

But according to a study by data analytics firm Enolytics, The time to drink the most alcohol is 6:00 pm.That’s based on more than 2 million sign-ups in the “Hello Wine” app, which provides recommendations for the drink.

Is it better to drink beer or wine at night?

It will depend on how much beer or wine people drink…but a study published in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research and is referenced by bbcExperts recommend drinking a glass or two before going to bed, but If exceeded, sleep disturbance may result.

In addition, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages “People With Sleep Apnea May Revert To Snoring,” There are also other problems, such as inflammation of the stomach lining (commonly known as gastritis). If you have sleep disturbances, you should refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages for five to nine months.

Drinking beer and wine at night can lead to weight gain, especially with appetizers like snacks, because all those fats and carbs aren’t being burned during the day. Therefore, the best time to drink alcohol is in the morning or afternoon.

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