When is the right time to eat onions?

Although not to everyone’s taste due to its strong smell and taste, onion It is one of the ingredients that is absolutely indispensable in the kitchen. This vegetable is great for seasoning dishes as it not only adds a rich flavor but also brings a lot of benefits to the dish. healthy.

According to the Science and Technology Communication Journal of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UALN), onion It has healing and antiseptic properties, not to forget that it is also rich in vitamins A, B and C, in addition to being a great source of magnesium, iron, calcium and phosphorus.

Learn about all the benefits onion And when is the best time to eat.

Also read: Tips for keeping onions fresh

UALN mentioned onion Raw foods are good digestive stimulants and liver tonics; cooked foods help avoid gas and chronic constipation problems; when infused, the skin onion Helps relieve stomach problems.

If the above is not enough to add onion Depending on your eating habits, here we tell you when you need to eat this vegetable.

As explained by the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition, cited by the Spanish Heart Foundation, onion It contains phytonutrients such as keratin, which is very beneficial in preventing heart disease and the evolution of cancer cells.

On the other hand, this ingredient contains sulfur, which helps prevent the rise of cholesterol and the appearance of tumors. Therefore, it is worthwhile for people with a history of heart disease to include it in their diet regularly.

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The Canal Diabetes blog refers to a study conducted by the Mario Negri Institute of Pharmacology in Milan, which showed that on average, 1 onion Taking it once a week can reduce the risk of cancer by 14%.

Conversely, those who consumed an average of two servings onion Once a week, the risk of throat cancer is reduced by 56%, the risk of ovarian cancer is reduced by 43%, and the risk of kidney cancer is reduced by 25%.

Finally, dear fans onion People who consume this vegetable every day have shown that this vegetable can reduce the risk of oral cancer by up to 88%.

In addition to the following benefits healthythis onion It also helps us look better because it is rich in sulfur and quercetin, compounds that aid in blood circulation and collagen production in the scalp, thereby improving hair resistance.

Likewise, the hair follicles will receive more nutrients, therefore, our hair will be stronger and healthier, and it will grow faster.

To reap these benefits, the only thing you have to do is grind onion, Then, apply the juice to your hair and that’s it, you’ll notice a change in no time.

Also read: 7 Tips for Cooking with Onions

benefits of eating onion They are numerous and varied. As explained by the Digital Library of Mexican Traditional Medicine at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), vegetable It is used to treat respiratory diseases such as tuberculosis, diphtheria, sinusitis, etc.

this onion It is also used against amoebas, worms, and other intestinal parasites.

With this information, we’re sure you’ll be ordering them and all the next time you go for tacos, because onionIn addition to giving them a tangy flavor, it also provides many benefits to your body.

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