When to use on doctor’s advice

Paracetamol and ibuprofen are two of the best known and most commonly used medications today. So much so that it might be strange to find a family stocked with remedies for minor aches and symptoms of other common ailments. However, it is their widespread use, and their effective relief from symptoms such as the common cold, joint, menstrual or dental pain. This makes them also interchangeable for the treatment of a range of pathologies, pain or discomfort. Thereby ignoring proper use, greater efficacy and risks, or side effects from consumption.

To clarify what each drug is for. Also, learn about the risks associated with long-term consumption. Even, we consulted with health professionals about the possibility and risks of using one of them interchangeably. According to Mapfre specialist and family physician Reyes Vega, paracetamol is a pain reliever and antipyretic. That’s why it should be used to relieve pain and control temperature. On its own, ibuprofen is an NSAID that works as an analgesic to relieve pain. At the same time, it also has an antipyretic effect, so it also helps to control the temperature.

Despite the fact that, apparently, they are used interchangeably due to their properties. The truth is that it is appropriate to prioritize its use according to the pain and symptom profile for greater effect. For example, in case of discomfort such as fever, non-inflammatory generalized pain, Reyes recommends paracetamol. Available within 6 to 8 hours depending on the intensity of discomfort or discomfort. At the same time, if there is pain caused by high fever or inflammation, ibuprofen should be taken. For example, dentistry, joints, throat, otology, gynecology or rheumatology. In any case, it is important to consider allergies and possible reactions or contraindications to drug compounds.

At the same time, possible contraindications in patients with previous medical history should be considered. In this case, Luis Arranz, an emergency physician at Visas, said it’s important to consider how each drug is metabolized in the body. On the one hand, paracetamol is metabolized by the liver, while ibuprofen is metabolized by the kidneys. Therefore, the first is usually contraindicated in patients with liver disease, that is, liver disease. And ibuprofen can further affect kidney disease and kidney disease patients. Also, since ibuprofen is gastrointestinally corrosive, the route of absorption must be considered. Therefore, it should be avoided in patients with a history of ulcers or gastric bleeding. And it shouldn’t be used in patients with active ulcers, or “in combination with gastrointestinal protective agents, depending on the patient’s condition.”

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