Which option is healthier?

Oatmeal is a very complete and balanced cereal.Judging from its composition, it is indeed nutritious Because in addition to carbohydrates and fiber we also find proteins and minerals.In addition, it provides a very large number of Magnesium, copper, iron, zinc and vitamin B1As well as small doses of calcium, folic acid and other B vitamins.Do not forget that it provides almost no heat: approx. There are 110 calories in 30 grams of oatmeal..

The purest version is whole wheat, can be cooked and eaten like any other grain. However, The most common way to take it is oatmeal.. Oatmeal comes in different types, with different thicknesses and soaking requirements, but they are all obtained from steamed, flattened and pressed oat grains.

Banana Walnut Porridge | Pixar
Banana Walnut Porridge | Pixar

he oat bran, On the other hand, this is just grain husks It is obtained by refining oats.It has a higher concentration of fiber than whole grains, as well as small amounts of additional specific proteins, minerals, and vitamins, although Lack of other nutrients present in whole grain oats.

So what is the best option?

In fact, bran is just one part of the grain. From a nutritional perspective, it is a convenient option as a supplement, especially if you want to increase your fiber or beta-glucan intake. However, It’s best to get fiber and other essential nutrients by including a variety of foods rich in fiber and these nutrients in your diet, such as oats..

Benefits of Oats

  • reduce cholesterol: Oats contain Soluble fiber, called beta-glucan. Eat 3 grams of this fiber per day (equivalent to 75 grams of rolled oats or 40 grams of oat bran) Lower cholesterol within weeks. In addition, it contains other substances such as lecithin and phytosterols that are effective in controlling LDL or “bad” cholesterol.
  • Regulate blood sugar: Oatmeal stimulates the activity of the pancreas and is a Slowly absorb energy sourcewhat makes it Recommended for diabetics Not dependent on insulin as it helps stabilize blood sugar levels. For example, consuming it for breakfast can help maintain more stable blood sugar levels.
  • prevent cancer: Oats may protect against certain types of cancer, such as colon, breast, and prostate cancer.
  • good for muscles: Avenin is a chemical variant of the hormone testosterone that helps maintain and build muscle, especially for athletes who require adequate levels of testosterone to maintain muscle mass.
  • Balance the nervous system: Oats contain vitamin B1, calcium and alkaloids such as indole, trigonelline and avenin, which can strengthen the nervous system, promote relaxation, concentration and prevent mental fatigue.
  • Promote digestion: oats Easy to digest and relieves digestive symptoms Examples include ulcers, heartburn, gastritis, constipation (when eaten as whole cooked grains) or diarrhea (when eaten shelled as a decoction) and flatulence.

Oat properties

Some properties of oats are:

  • energy contribution: Oats contain slowly absorbed carbohydrates that provide sustained energy and help keep you feeling full, avoiding weakness and anxiety.
  • high protein content: Oats have the highest protein content among grains (13.8%), and when eaten with beans, you get a more complete protein.
  • Rich in fiber: Contains 6.7% fiber, which helps create a feeling of fullness and helps maintain a balanced diet.
  • Minerals: A 50-gram serving of whole-wheat oatmeal provides 25% of daily phosphorus, 20% of magnesium, 15% of iron, 50% of manganese and 22% of vitamin B1.
  • Vitamin B: Oats are a good source of B vitamins, including vitamins B2 and B3.
  • other minerals: Additionally, it provides potassium, calcium, selenium, silicon, copper, and zinc.
  • Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents: Contains Aveanthramides with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

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