Who are Elon Musk’s 10 children from his first wife and two different partners?

Elon Musk, the patron of Tesla and X, boasts a fairly large family. In fact, since 2002, when his first child died suddenly, he has had ten children with three different women. She recently had a daughter, Vivian Jenna, who stated that she is transgender and does not want to have any relationship with her father.

Name Elon Musk now more than famous, entrepreneur and owner of X (formerly Twitter), boasts more than a large family despite not having a great relationship with all of his kids. Recently, among the previews of his new biography written by Walter Isaacson, there was news that his daughter Jennanever told him about the transition that started when he was a little more than a teenager. Musk had ten children with three different women: six by his first wife. Justine Wilson why did the couple use IVF; two children from the singer Grimes and, finally, two more children in secret from Siobhan Zilis. From the second wife Talulah Riley he had no children, as well as from the actress Amber Heardwhom he dated for about a year.

Marriage to Justine Wilson and death of Nevada’s first child

The first marriage was to Justine Wilson, a Canadian writer who was famous when they were both at Queen’s University. They married in 2000 and had their first child, Nevada Alexander, in 2002, who died ten weeks after birth from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. This episode was especially memorable for Musk and his wife, who, however, did not lose hope that they could start a family. In a future biography written by Walter Isaacson, we read that the magnate stated that the sudden loss of his first child was one of the greatest pains he had ever experienced in his life.

Twins Griffin and Xavier Alexander became Jenna.

In fact, in April 2004, the couple decided to resort to assisted insemination, which resulted in the birth of the twins Griffin and Xavier Alexander. They are both currently 19 years old. It is not until 2022 that Xavier decides to go down the path of transition by declaring himself transgender and asking to be able to change his name, taking the name Vivian Jenna, as well as taking his mother’s surname, in order to distance himself from his father, whom he does not want. never be bound again.

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Elon Musk and right-wing transgender daughter Vivian Jenna

Elon Musk and right-wing transgender daughter Vivian Jenna

Triplets Kai, Saxon and Damian

Two years after the birth of the first twins, in 2006, again using in vitro fertilization, Justine Wilson and Elon Musk had more triplets: Kai, Saxon and Damian. Now these three are 17 years old. Last summer, the owner of Tesla visited the Pope and also brought triplets with him, as evidenced by a photo posted on the social network of the eldest of his descendants, that is, Griffin.

Elon Musk and twins Kai, Saxon and Damian

Elon Musk and twins Kai, Saxon and Damian

The two children he had with Claire “Grimes” Boucher.

After his marriage to Justine Wilson ended in 2008, Musk dated various women with whom he had no other children until he met the singer. GrimesStage name Claire Boucher. In fact, he had another son born in 2020, whose name has caused quite a bit of controversy. In fact, the child was originally named X Æ A-12then changed to X Æ A-XII, in accordance with California law that does not allow the use of Indo-Arabic numerals in given names. The decision to name one’s first child in this way actually obscures a number of meanings, and the anagram contained: “x” is an unknown variable, “Æ” is the Elvish pronunciation of “Ai” (love and/or artificial intelligence), A-12 is the predecessor of SR-17 (the plane that the couple loved) and finally, with the help of A, the couple wanted to present their favorite song “Arkhangelsk”.

Elon Musk and his first child with Grimes

Elon Musk and his first child with Grimes

In March 2022, Musk and Grimes announced that they were parents again, this time to a girl born via surrogacy. The baby got a name Exa Darl Sideel, also known as Y. Also in this case, the name of the girl has a number of meanings, which the singer explained in an interview with Vanity Fair, stating that “Exa” is a computer term referring to exaFlops, the term Dark is associated with dark “Dark matter is a wonderful the mystery of our universe.” Finally, the last part of the name, Sideel, may have a double meaning: Galadriel, the favorite character of the Stars and Grimes in The Lord of the Rings.

The last two children were secretly born with Siobhan Zilis.

In July 2022, shortly after the birth of Grimes’ second daughter, news broke that the entrepreneur would secretly have two children in 2021 with Siobhan Zilis, an executive at Neuralink, of which he is co-CEO. They would have had an acquaintance, although the Tesla owner was still connected to Grimes, who is currently his former partner. In April, Zilis would have applied to add her maternal surname to the twins’ surname, and in May 2022 the request was approved.

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