WHO asks China to provide details on rapid spread of respiratory disease in children

(File Photo) Reports based on data from Taiwanese media FTV News reveal the plight of hospitals in Beijing and Liaoning, nearly 800 kilometers northeast of China, as more and more children with pneumonia are admitted to the hospital REUTERS/Thomas Peter
(File Photo) Reports based on data from Taiwanese media FTV News reveal the plight of hospitals in Beijing and Liaoning, nearly 800 kilometers northeast of China, as more and more children with pneumonia are admitted to the hospital REUTERS/Thomas Peter

After the news came out, many Hospital exist China Under intense pressure due to the outbreak Undiagnosed pneumonia in children In many cities such as Beijing World Health Organization (WHO) ‘Formal request for details on increase in reported respiratory illness and pneumonia clusters in children’

According to multiple reports, global surveillance system ProMed issued a notice on Tuesday night indicating an outbreak of the respiratory disease among minors. ProMed has proven the relevance of its alerts in the past: In December 2019, he informed doctors and scientists about a mysterious virus that was later identified as SARS-CoV-2.

Regarding this situation, The WHO issued a statement “Notification of clusters of respiratory diseases in children in northern China” and also emphasized China’s requirements.

(File Photo) ProMed also warned that the outbreak may be related to Mycoplasma pneumoniae (also known as
(File Photo) ProMed also warned that the outbreak may be related to Mycoplasma pneumoniae (also known as “SARS” or “Walking Pneumonia”), which experienced the first COVID-19 outbreak in China without strict After a winter of restrictions, the trend is on the rise. /Juan Ignacio Roncoloni/Archives

The letter published a few hours ago begins: “The World Health Organization has formally requested China to provide detailed information on the increase in respiratory diseases and pneumonia clusters in children.” In this sense, the article recalls, “On November 13, 2023 At a press conference held on July 1, China’s National Health Commission reported that the incidence of respiratory diseases in China has increased.”

“Chinese authorities attribute the increase to the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions and the spread of known pathogens such as influenza, Mycoplasma pneumoniae (a common bacterial infection that often affects young children), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and SARS- CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19)”, they recalled from the top international health body, adding that “the authorities stress the need to improve the surveillance of the disease in health centers and community settings and to strengthen the capacities of the health sector” . Systems for managing patients. ”

Likewise, it details “media and ProMED reports of an outbreak of undiagnosed pneumonia in children in northern China” 24 hours earlier, and that “it is unclear whether this is related to a general increase in respiratory infections previously reported by Chinese authorities” or if these are separate episodes. set. ”

Countries such as the UK and US have seen similar increases in illnesses such as RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) and influenza after restrictions were lifted (Getty)
Countries such as the UK and US have seen similar increases in illnesses such as RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) and influenza after restrictions were lifted (Getty)

“On November 22, the World Health Organization, through the International Health Regulations mechanism, requested additional epidemiological and clinical information and laboratory results on these clusters of children. “We also requested information on known pathogens, including influenza, SARS-CoV-2, RSV, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae) and more information on recent transmission trends and current burden on the healthcare system,” the release continued.

Regarding the role of the World Health Organization, the document noted that the top international health entity “is in contact with doctors and scientists through our existing associations and technical networks in China” and that since mid-October, northern China “has reported that increased”. Compared with the same period in the previous three years, flu-like illnesses were seen. “

“China has systems in place to collect information on influenza, influenza-like illness, RSV and SARS-CoV-2 trends and send reports to platforms such as the Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System,” they assured in writing. Proposing that “the World Health Organization seeks With this additional information, we recommend that Chinese residents take steps to reduce the risk of respiratory illness, including recommended vaccinations; keep their distance from sick people; stay home when sick; get tested and receive medical care as needed; wear masks appropriately; ensure ventilation Be well; and wash your hands often.”

(File photo) Rising antibiotic resistance is also a concern, as Mycoplasma pneumoniae appears to be better able to evade drugs REUTERS/Thomas Peter
(File photo) Rising antibiotic resistance is also a concern, as Mycoplasma pneumoniae appears to be better able to evade drugs REUTERS/Thomas Peter

An unexpected surge in undiagnosed childhood pneumonia cases has overwhelmed hospitals in several Chinese cities, including Beijing. The global disease surveillance system ProMed played a crucial role in the SARS-Cov-2 virus early warning, highlighting this alarming phenomenon and issuing a notice about the outbreak in December 2019, causing medical world’s attention. and scientific.

Media reports such as Taiwan FTV News More and more children are being admitted to hospital in critical condition with pneumonia. According to the media report, although the child patients did not have common symptoms such as cough, they did develop symptoms of high fever and lung nodules. In an editorial, ProMed expressed concern about the speed and scale of the outbreak, arguing that the disease could be spreading in school settings given the lack of adult cases.

The hypothesis that the outbreak is linked to Mycoplasma pneumoniae, known as “SARS” or “walking pneumonia,” was strengthened in the site’s analysis because after a first winter without strict restrictions, the pathogen There has been an increase in China. Due to COVID-19. Countries such as Britain and the United States have also seen an increase in respiratory illness cases after lifting pandemic restrictions.

Mycoplasma pneumoniae mainly affects children, with symptoms including sore throat, fatigue, and persistent cough; although this last sign does not appear in the depictions of these paintings.

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