WHO calls for action on hepatitis to prevent 55% increase in global liver cancer cases

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As World Hepatitis Day is celebrated on Friday, the World Health Organization (WHO) highlights the need to bring care closer to communities and reverse forecasts The incidence of liver cancer in the world will increase by 55% in the next 20 years.

It is predicted that the global incidence of liver cancer will increase by 55% in the next 20 years.

Hepatitis currently kills more than 100,000 people each year in the WHO European Region. all over the world, Every 40 seconds someone dies from hepatitis B or C.for the World Health Organization “A staggering number”especially considering that most deaths ‘It could have been avoided’.

Common to all hepatitis infections is the inflammation they cause in the liverthe most common reason is Hepatitis B and C can lead to serious health problems such as liver cancer, cirrhosis and liver failure, the latter fatal. To achieve hepatitis elimination by 2030, new hepatitis B and C infections must be reduced by 40% globally.

Vaccination, early diagnosis and treatment

To reduce the risk of liver cancer, hepatitis B can be prevented by vaccination, and early diagnosis and treatment play a key role in slowing the progression of hepatitis B and C.Liver cancer is The third leading cause of cancer death worldwidethe main modifiable risk factor for primary liver cancer is hepatitis B or C virus infection.

The main modifiable risk factor for primary liver cancer is hepatitis B or C virus infection.

However, there is a lot of stigma around hepatitis, which needs to be addressed at local, national and regional levels. Stigma often prevents people from seeking early detection, treatment and supportwhich perpetuates the cycle of infection and affects public health efforts, including sexual and reproductive health, antenatal care, viral hepatitis testing and treatment, and liver cancer screening.The WHO Regional Director for Europe said, Hans Henry Kruger.

To this end, he called for the promotion of “More understanding, empathy and knowledge” The entire health sector and society at large to create an environment where people with hepatitis are not stigmatized but supported will help save lives.

“Over the years, the impact of effective preventive measures, including hepatitis B vaccination, has led to a reduction in the transmission of hepatitis B and hepatitis C-related diseases.” director has said European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Andrea Ammon.

Burden of chronic hepatitis B and C infection in EU remains ‘considerable’ with an estimated 5.4 million people infected, most of them undiagnosed

However, the burden of chronic hepatitis B and C infection remains in the EU/EEA “a lot”According to Ammon, there are an estimated 5.4 million chronic infections, most of which are undiagnosed and unrelated to care.

In addition, many people who are diagnosed already have cirrhosis or liver cancer at the time of diagnosis, and Liver cancer deaths on the rise. “To address this burden of disease and achieve elimination, we urgently need to scale up our efforts to tackle these infections and introduce more innovative and effective diagnostics and treatments.”ECDC director pointed out.

Timely Intervention to Protect Lives

this Regular checkups and access to affordable diagnostic tests Essential for early identification of infection. Timely intervention, including antiviral therapy, can effectively inhibit viral replication, slow down disease progression, and reduce the risk of liver cancer. Community outreach programs and accurate information on transmission, prevention and available resources play a key role in dispelling myths and misconceptions.

Regular checkups and access to affordable diagnostic tests are critical for early detection of infection

“Hepatitis affects the lives, families and communities of millions of people in the region and around the world. By addressing the root causes and implementing effective strategies, we can avoid unnecessary suffering, premature death and the economic burden of hepatitis and liver cancer.”said Dr Nino Berdzuli, Director of WHO European Country Health Programs.

“The good news is Reducing Hepatitis B Infection in Children is one of the few health targets in the Sustainable Development Goals on the right path. Now we must go one step further and work to eliminate hepatitis B and C. “has been added.

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